
Creator: coderz1093

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TOXIC - The Horrible, Extension Library for Dart #

Project Overview #
TOXIC is a Dart/Flutter project designed to augment the Dart language's core data types such as Int, Double, and String with a comprehensive suite of extensions. These extensions streamline common tasks, introduce new functionalities, and enhance the overall development experience.

Feature Extensions #
TInt #
TInt enriches the integer type with a variety of utility methods:

to: Linear interpolation between integers.
plural: Determines the correct singular or plural form based on the integer's value.
format: Applies locale-specific formatting to the integer.
formatCompact: Provides a shorter format representation of the integer.

TString #
TString expands string functionality with transformation utilities:

roadkill, upperRoadkill, dashkill, upperDashkill: Replaces spaces with underscores or dashes, optionally adjusting case.
camelCase: Transforms the string into camel case.
randomCase: Randomizes the character casing within the string.
reversed: Reverses the character order of the string.
Split functions: splitSlashes, splitDots, splitAfter, splitLast.
Capitalization functions: capitalize, capitalizeWords.

TDouble #
TDouble enhances the double type with formatting and interpolation:

percent: Converts a double to a percentage representation.
format: Formats the double according to locale-specific rules.
formatCompact: Condenses the double into a more compact format.
to: Performs linear interpolation between doubles.

TFuture #
TFuture adds post-execution capabilities to Future<T>:

thenRun: Executes a specified function after the future's completion.

TMap #
TMap introduces additional methods for dynamic map handling:

Overloaded operators: Merging (+) and key removal (-).
Sorting functions: sortedValuesByKey, sortedKeysByValue.
Compute functions: compute, computeIfPresent, computeIfAbsent, and their asynchronous variants.
Flipping functions: flipFlat, flip.
Merge function: Combines two maps into one.

TIterableInt #
TIterableInt provides arithmetic and statistical extensions for integer iterables:

Arithmetic operators: Multiplication (*), division (~/), addition (+), subtraction (-), modulo (%), bitwise (^, |, &, <, >, ~, -).
Statistical methods: Sum, product, minimum, maximum, average (as int and double), median, mode.

TIterableDouble #
TIterableDouble extends double iterables with arithmetic and statistical operations:

Arithmetic operators: Same as TIterableInt.
Statistical methods: Same as TIterableInt.

TList #
TList enhances the list type with element manipulation operators:

Overloaded operators: Element addition (+) and removal (-).
["a", "c", "d"].toBack("a") moves the element to the back of the list.
["a", "c", "d"].toFront("a") moves the element to the front of the list.
List.shuffle([Random]), List.popRandom([Random]), and List.randomIndex([Random]) provide randomization capabilities.

TSet #
TSet provides set manipulation through additional operators:

Overloaded operators: Element addition (+) and removal (-).

TIterable #
TIterable adds utility and transformation methods to iterables:

T? = Iterable<T>.select((e) => bool) same as T? = Iterable<T>.where((e) => bool).firstOrNull.
Addition methods: Add single or multiple elements at either start or end of the iterable.
Statistical and utility functions: Count occurrences, deduplicate, shuffle.
Accessors: Retrieve last index, middle index, middle value.
Sorting and mapping functions: Sort, convert to keys/values, map to list with or without soft mapping.

Usage Examples #
Here are some specific examples demonstrating how to use TOXIC's extensions in your Dart code:
TInt Example: #
int count = 2;
print(, 0.5)); // Outputs: 6.0
print(count.plural("apple", "apples")); // Outputs: "apples"
print(count.format()); // Outputs "2" in most locales
print(count.formatCompact()); // Outputs "2"
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TString Example: #
String text = "Hello World";
print(text.roadkill); // Outputs: "hello_world"
print(text.upperRoadkill); // Outputs: "HELLO_WORLD"
print(text.camelCase); // Outputs: "helloWorld"
print(text.reversed); // Outputs: "dlroW olleH"
print(text.capitalizeWords()); // Outputs: "Hello World"
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TDouble Example: #
double value = 0.123;
print(value.percent(2)); // Outputs: "12.30%"
print(value.format()); // Locale-dependent output, e.g., "0.123"
print(value.formatCompact()); // Outputs e.g., "123"
print(, 0.5)); // Outputs 0.5615
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TFuture Example: #
Future<int> futureValue = Future.value(5);
futureValue.thenRun((value) => print("Value: $value"));
// After future completes, outputs: "Value: 5"
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TMap Example: #
Map<String, int> map1 = {'a': 1, 'b': 2};
Map<String, int> map2 = {'c': 3};
Map<String, int> combined = map1 + map2;
print(combined); // Outputs: {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}
Map<String, int> reduced = combined - 'b';
print(reduced); // Outputs: {'a': 1, 'c': 3}
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TIterableInt Example: #
Iterable<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4];
print(numbers * 2); // Outputs: [2, 4, 6, 8]
print(numbers.sum()); // Outputs: 10
print(numbers.average()); // Outputs: 2.5
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TIterableDouble Example: #
Iterable<double> doubles = [1.5, 2.5, 3.5];
print(doubles + 1); // Outputs: [2.5, 3.5, 4.5]
print(doubles.sum()); // Outputs: 7.5
print(doubles.average()); // Outputs: 2.5
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TList Example: #
List<int> list = [1, 2, 3];
List<int> extended = list + 4;
print(extended); // Outputs: [1, 2, 3, 4]
List<int> reduced = extended - 2;
print(reduced); // Outputs: [1, 3, 4]
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TSet Example: #
Set<int> set = {1, 2, 3};
Set<int> extended = set + 4;
print(extended); // Outputs: {1, 2, 3, 4}
Set<int> reduced = extended - 2;
print(reduced); // Outputs: {1, 3, 4}
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TIterable Example: #
Iterable<int> numbers = [1, 2, 2, 3];
Iterable<int> uniqueNumbers = numbers.deduplicated();
print(uniqueNumbers.toList()); // Outputs: [1, 2, 3]
Iterable<int> shuffledNumbers = numbers.shuffled();
print(shuffledNumbers.toList()); // Random order each time
Map<int, int> occurrences = numbers.occurrences();
print(occurrences); // Outputs: {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 1}
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By integrating TOXIC's extensions into your Dart applications, you can achieve more with less code and enhance readability and maintainability.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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