
Creator: coderz1093

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TrustSDK #
This plugin package developed by Trust Technologies allows integrator to access different functionalities from every native SDK. (TrustAudit, TrustDeviceInfo, TrustBioidentify and TrustSSO)
install #

Add trustsdk to pubspec.yaml file in the dependencies section.

sdk: flutter
trustsdk: ^0.0.3
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Run pub get to install pubspec file dependencies.

flutter pub get
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Available classes #
TrustTransaction #
This classs provides a variety of methods for fetching, updating and creating transactions.
Fetch exsiting transactions for a specific user

userId: value used for search transactions

Future<dynamic> fetchTransactionsByUser(String userId)
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Fetch exsiting transactions for a specific company

companyId: value used for search transactions

Future<dynamic> fetchTransactionsByCompany(String companyId)
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Update an existing transaction receiving it's UUID as parameter

active: valueto be set on the respective transaction
completed: value to be set on the respective transaction
authorizationMethod: value that describes the auth method to be used

Future<dynamic> updateTransaction(String transactionUuid)
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Create a new transaction

transactionId: transaction id for the new transaction
userId: user id for the new transaction
companyId: value that indicates the company id for the new transaction
authorizationMethod: value that represents the auth method to be used

Future<dynamic> createTransaction(int transactionUuid, userId, companyId, String authorizationMethod)
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TrustIDP #
This class provides a variety methods for presenting
Request authorization from client application user presenting a login form and then calling back to the client application

scheme: scheme to use with the authorization url
baseUrl: base url to use with the authorization url
authPath: path to append to the given base url
scopes: scopes to use for authorization url
state: state to use with the authorization url
responseType: response type
acrValues: acr values to use with the authorization url
redirectUri: redirect uri for calling after the authorization is complete
clientId: clientId for requesting authorization
clientSecret: clientSecret for requesting authorization
grantType: grantType for the authorization request

Future<void> requestAuthorization( String scheme, baseUrl, authPath, scopes, state, responseType, acrValues, redirectUri, clientId, clientSecret, grantType)
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Ask for an AccessToken using a code provided in RequestAuthorization method

code: String stored in application used to get AccessToken
result: ResultHandler that receives a ClientCredentials object as result type

Future<dynamic> tokenExchange(String code)
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TrustFIDO2 #
Register new user credentials

companyId: String representing companyId
userId: String representing userId
type: Authenticator type to use for the register process

Future<dynamic> signUpRequest(String sourceService, username, userId, companyId, type)
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Authenticate login credentials

userId: String representing userId value
companyId: String representing companyId value

Future<dynamic> signInRequest(String userId, companyId, sourceService)
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TrustValidation #
Get a transaction code for a specific user and transaction uuid

transactionUuid: String needed for locating specific transaction
userId: String representing the user id

Future<dynamic> getCode(String transactionUuid, int userId)
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Validate code using transactionUuid and otp value

transactionUuid: String needed for locating specific transaction
otp: Value representing otp Int

Future<dynamic> validateCode(String transactionUuid, int otp)
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TrustAudit #
Generate a new Audit storing it in CoreData and also sending the Audit data to the backend

trustID: string value representing trustID
connectionType: string value representing connectionType
connectionName: string value representing connectionName
type: string value representing type
result: string value representing result
method: string value representing method
operation: string value representing operation
userDni: string value representing userDni
userEmail: string value representing userEmail
userPhone: string value representing userPhone
userFirstName: string value representing userFirstName
userLastName: string value representing userLastName

Future<dynamic> createAudit(String trustID, connectionType, connectionName, type, result, method, operation, userDni, userEmail, userPhone, userFirstName, userLastName)
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Set the current environment

currentEnvironment: Value representing the current environment for library

Future<void> setCurrentEnvironment(String currentEnvironment)
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Set the service name and access group

serviceName: String representing the service name for TrustAudit
accessGroup: String representing the access group for TrustAudit

Future<void> setServiceNameAndAccessGroup(String accessGroup, serviceName)
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Request client credentials for the library

clientID: String representing client id for accessing atenea services
clientSecret: String representing client secret for accessing atenea service

Future<void> createClientCredentials(String clientID, clientSecret)
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TrustDeviceInfo #
Set the accessName and accessGroup to be used by

serviceName: string value representing serviceName
accessGroup: string value representing accessGroup

Future<void> setServiceNameAndAccessGroup(String serviceName, accessGroup)
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Set the currentEnvironment to be used by TrustDeviceInfo sdk
Future<void> setCurrentEnvironment(String currentEnvironment)
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Set the permissions of TrustDeviceInfo to access phone state, external storage and location

readPhoneState: bool value representing permission for reading telephony state
readExternalStorage: bool value representing permission for reading external storage
writeExternalStorage: bool value representing permission for accessing external storage

Future<void> setPermissions(Bool readPhoneState, readExternalStorage, writeExternalStorage, accessCoarseLocation, accessFineLocation)
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Return the currentEnvironemnt set to TrustDeviceInfo
Future<String> getCurrentEnvironment()
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Create TrustDeviceInfo clientCredentials

clientID: string value representing clientID to be set
clientSecret: string value representing clientSecret to be set

Future<dynamic> createClientCredentials(String clientID, clientSecret)
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Register firebaseTokento be used by TrustDeviceInfo

firebasetoken: string value representing firebasetoken
bundleID: string value representing bundleID

Future<dynamic> registerFirebaseToken(String firebasetoken, bundleID)
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Set the app state

dni: user dni to set

Future<void> setAppState(String dni)
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Get the TrustID
Future<String> getTrtustID()
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Send device info

dni: current user dni
name: current user first name
lastname: current user last name
email: current user email
phone: current user phone
appleUserId: current user apple user id

Future<dynamic> sendDeviceInfo(String dni, name, lastname, email, phone, appleUserId)
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TrustBioidentify #
// TrustBioidentify
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Error Handling #
For handling errors you might consider the following example
// this calls tokenExchange methods for awaiting a response that could be of type ClientCredentials or TrustError
TrustSSO.tokenExchange(String userId, companyId, sourceService).then((response) =>
// with the following line you will check if the response conforms to ClientCredentials class or TrustError if method call failed
response is ClientCredentials ? print("${response} is ClientCredentials") : print("${response} is TrustError")
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This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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