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try dio
TryDio #
TryDio is a Dart package designed to streamline network operations in Flutter applications. It provides a robust framework for making HTTP requests while gracefully handling exceptions and errors that may occur during network communication. By abstracting the complexities of direct HTTP calls and error handling into a simple, unified API, TryDio enables developers to focus on building their application's core functionalities without worrying about the underlying network layer details.
To use TryDio in your Flutter project, add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:
try_dio: ^0.0.6
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Basic Example
This example demonstrates how to use the safeCall function to perform a network request and handle the response or error in a safe, predictable manner.
import 'package:fluttersafenet/fluttersafenet.dart'; // Import necessary modules
void main() async {
final result = await safeCall<String>(() async {
// Your code to perform an HTTP request, e.g., using Dio
return "Successful response from the server";
if (result.isSuccess()) {
print(result.result()); // Handle the successful response
} else {
print(result.error().code); // Handle the error
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Handling Exceptions
Here's how you can handle different types of exceptions returned by the safeCall function:
class AuthRemoteDataSourceImpl implements AuthRemoteDataSource {
final AuthApi api;
AuthRemoteDataSourceImpl({required this.api});
FutureTry<GetSmsCodeResponse> getSmsCode(GetSmsCodeRequest request) {
return safeCall(() => api.getSmsCode(request));
FutureTry<void> logOut(String token) {
return safeCall(() => api.logOut(token));
FutureTry<void> setSecureCode(SetSecureCodeRequest request) {
return safeCall(() => api.setSecureCode(request));
FutureTry<ValidateTokenResponse> validateToken(ValidateTokenRequest request) {
return safeCall(() => api.validateToken(request));
FutureTry<VerifySecureCodeResponse> verifySecureCode(VerifySecureCodeRequest request) {
return safeCall(() => api.verifySecureCode(request));
FutureTry<VerifySmsCodeResponse> verifySmsCode(VerifySmsCodeRequest request) {
return safeCall(() => api.verifySmsCode(request));
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Make sure you handle asynchronous operations properly using async and await.
Use type checking with is to handle specific errors.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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