
Creator: coderz1093

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tunisia delegates states

Tunisia Delegates States Package #
Welcome to the initial release of the Tunisia Delegates States package! This Flutter package provides functionality to retrieve information about states and their delegates in Tunisia.

Developed by Mohamed Ali Adweni 💡

Features #

Retrieve a list of states.
Retrieve a list of delegates by index.

Installation #
To use this package, add the following to your pubspec.yaml:
tunisia_delegates_states: ^1.0.5
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Usage #
Here's a simple example of how to use the package:
import 'package:tunisia_delegates_states/tunisia_delegates_states.dart';

void main() {
TunisiaDelegateStates delegateStates = TunisiaDelegateStates();

// Retrieve a list of states
List<StateTN> states = delegateStates.getListState();

// Retrieve a list of delegates for the first state
int index = 0; // Replace with the desired index
List<Delegate> delegates = delegateStates.getListDelegates(index);

// Print the retrieved data
print('States: $states');
print('Delegates for state at index $index: $delegates');
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For more examples and details, see the documentation.
Contributing #
We welcome contributions! Please feel free to submit issues, PRs, or suggestions. See our contributing guidelines for more information.
License #
This package is distributed under the MIT License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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