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tuxin tutorial overlay
tuxin_tutorial_overlay #
an overlay flutter package that can be used for tutorials and walk-through
I was looking for an easier way to add tutorial
walk-through to an existing app without cascading more
elements into my app.
I wanted a walk-through that I can use as an overlay, that can have
several widget behind it being shown, some widgets to allow interaction and some not,
and also to be able to have specific shapes of holes (rect, oval and so on)
so I made this :)
btw.. I'm new to flutter programming so I apologize for any mistakes and would
appreciate any comments. thanks!
WidgetData.dart contains the following definitions:
enum WidgetShape { Oval, Rect, RRect } - to define the shape of the hole that will grant the requested widget visibility (default is Oval).
the Widget Data class:
class WidgetData {
GlobalKey key;
WidgetShape shape;
bool isEnabled;
double padding;
{@required this.key,
this.shape = WidgetShape.Oval,
this.isEnabled = true,
this.padding = 0});
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you use it to define each widget's relevant properties, like padding, enabled/disabled (allow user interaction) and the shape of the hole in the Overlay
TutorialOverlayUtil.dart contains the following function:
void createTutorialOverlay(
{@required String tagName,
@required BuildContext context,
bool enableHolesAnimation = true,
bool enableAnimationRepeat = true,
double defaultPadding = 4,
List<WidgetData> widgetsData = const [],
Function onTap,
Color bgColor,
Widget description,
int highlightCount=3,
int animationMilliseconds=150,
int animationRepeatDelayMilliseconds = 3000
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tagName - the name of the overlay screen, to be used later when you want to show it
context - the BuildContext of the page
enableHolesAnimation - enable animation on visible widgets to draw attention to them
enableAnimationRepeat - enable animation repeat
defaultPadding - default padding to add to each hole that shows a widget
widgetsData - is a List of each widget that you want to be fully visible and the relevant properties (padding, enable/disable interaction and hole shape)
onTap - a callback that will be called when the user taps on the overlay itself
bgColor - a custom background color. default is Black with opacity of 0.4.
description - a Widget to display on top of the overlay, usually contains instructions on current frame
highlightCount - number of times to run the highlight animation
animationMilliseconds - the milliseconds that each direction of animation will take (forward, reverse)
animationRepeatDelayMilliseconds - milliseconds to wait before animation repeats itself
I also created two functions to show and hide an overlay.
void showOverlayEntry({String tagName, bool redisplayOverlayIfSameTAgName = true}) async;
void hideOverlayEntryIfExists();
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showOverlayEntry() is used to show the overlay that you created earlier with createTutorialOverlay().
hideOverlayEntryIfExists() is used to hide the overlay
please note that you need to use the createTutorialOverlay() function only after the elements have been drawn in order to get their proper location and size.
in my example I created the overlay at the initState() function of my StatefulWidget, so in order for the elements
to be drawn first I needed to execute the function inside a post frame callback:
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
void initState() {
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
tagName: 'example',
showOverlayEntry(context, 'example');
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Simple Example #
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:flutter/scheduler.dart';
import 'package:tuxin_tutorial_overlay/TutorialOverlayUtil.dart';
import 'package:tuxin_tutorial_overlay/WidgetData.dart';
void main() => runApp(MyApp());
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
title: 'Tux-In Tutorial Overlay Example',
theme: ThemeData(
primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
home: MyHomePage(title: 'Tutorial Overlay Example Page'),
class MyHomePage extends StatefulWidget {
MyHomePage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);
final String title;
_MyHomePageState createState() => _MyHomePageState();
class _MyHomePageState extends State<MyHomePage> {
int _counter = 0;
final GlobalKey buttonKey = GlobalKey();
final GlobalKey counterKey = GlobalKey();
double _leftPosition = 0;
void initState() {
SchedulerBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback((_) {
context: context,
tagName: 'example',
bgColor: Colors.green.withOpacity(
0.4), // Optional. uses black color with 0.4 opacity by default
onTap: () => print("TAP"),
widgetsData: <WidgetData>[
WidgetData(key: buttonKey, isEnabled: true, padding: 4),
key: counterKey, isEnabled: false, shape: WidgetShape.Rect)
description: Text(
textAlign: TextAlign.center,
style: TextStyle(decoration: TextDecoration.none),
showOverlayEntry(tagName: 'example');
void _incrementCounter() {
setState(() {
_leftPosition += 10;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
title: Text(widget.title),
body: Center(
child: Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: <Widget>[
'You have pushed the button this many times:',
padding: EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(_leftPosition, 0, 0, 0),
child: Text(
key: counterKey,
style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1,
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton(
onPressed: _incrementCounter,
tooltip: 'Increment',
key: buttonKey,
child: Icon(Icons.add),
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to execute this code see the example app :)
Showcase from example app #
usage of this package in production
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