
Creator: coderz1093

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twilio phone verify

Twilio_Phone_Verify #
A Package that helps in verifying phone numbers and email addresses using Twilio.
Usage #
To use this package :

add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file.

sdk: flutter
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How to use #
Create a new Object
TwilioPhoneVerify _twilioPhoneVerify;
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Initialize with values
_twilioPhoneVerify = new TwilioPhoneVerify(
accountSid: '*************************', // replace with Account SID
authToken: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', // replace with Auth Token
serviceSid: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' // replace with Service SID
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Phone number verification #
Send Code to Phone
var twilioResponse =
await _twilioPhoneVerify.sendSmsCode('phone');

if (twilioResponse.successful) {
//code sent
} else {
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Verify Code
var twilioResponse = await _twilioPhoneVerify.verifySmsCode(
phone: 'phone', code: 'code');

if (twilioResponse.successful) {
if (twilioResponse.verification.status == VerificationStatus.approved) {
//print('Phone number is approved');
} else {
//print('Invalid code');
} else {
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Email Verification #
Twilio Verify email channel requires additional Service configuration. Please refer to the email channel setup documentation for detailed instructions.
Send Code to Email
var twilioResponse =
await _twilioPhoneVerify.sendEmailCode('email');

if (twilioResponse.successful) {
//code sent
} else {
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Verify Email Code
var twilioResponse = await _twilioPhoneVerify.verifyEmailCode(
email: 'email', code: 'code');

if (twilioResponse.successful) {
if (twilioResponse.verification.status == VerificationStatus.approved) {
//print('Email is approved');
} else {
//print('Invalid code');
} else {
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Override Email configurations
var twilioResponse =
await _twilioPhoneVerify.sendEmailCode('email',channelConfiguration:
from: "",
from_name: "Override Name",
template_id: "d-4f7abxxxxxxxxxxxx",
usernameSubstitution: "Foo Bar"

if (twilioResponse.successful) {
//code sent
} else {
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Features #

✅ Phone verification
✅ Email verification.

Getting Started #
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation.
For help on editing package code, view the documentation.


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