
Creator: coderz1093

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twitter intent

twitter_intent #
The twitter_intent package helps you build Twitter Web Intents (URLs) and
provides an idiomatic Dart interface to ask your users to

create tweets with custom hashtags, URL, pre-populated text, emoji-support, mentions, or replies 🐦
send direct messages to a user (with optional pre-populated message) 💌
like tweets 💙
follow a user 🤩
retweet tweets 📢

Important links #

Read the source code and star the repo on GitHub
Open an issue on GitHub
See package on
Read the docs on

If you enjoy using this package, a thumbs-up on would be highly appreciated! 👍💙
About Twitter Web Intents #

Twitter Web Intents Overview
Direct message

To document this package, I sometimes directly quoted from the official docs.
Introduction #
Web Intents are the simplest way to let people tweet or follow Twitter accounts (amongst others).
This package helps you build Twitter Web Intents.
Web Intents let you work with tweets and Twitter users.
They make is possible for users to interact with Twitter content in the context
of your site/app, without having to authorize a new app just for the interaction.
Web intents are mobile friendly, include native app handlers on iOS and Android
when the Twitter app is installed.
This mean that if the user has the Twitter app installed, the web intents will
be automatically opened in the Twitter app (instead of opening the browser).
If the user is not logged it, they will be asked to login.
After login your intent will be shown to them.
Launching web intents will not actually perform any action on the user's behalf,
it just makes the action easier for the user (for example, by pre-populating the tweet and adding hashtags).
The package will not do anything without the user's consent.
Dart #
The package works everywhere and doesn't have any Flutter specific dependency.
It works in HTML pages, regardless if you use the package on the frontend with
AngularDart, "vanilla" Dart, or rendered to an a tag from your Dart HTTP server.
It would also work with markdown, as you can see in the examples below.
Flutter #
If you want to use this package with Flutter, use the url_launcher plugin
for launching the links that you create with the twitter_intent package.
import 'package:twitter_intent/twitter_intent.dart';

// For Flutter applications, you'll most likely want to use
// the url_launcher package.
import 'package:url_launcher/url_launcher.dart';

// ...somewhere in your Flutter app...
launchTwitterIntent() async {
final intent = FollowUserIntent(username: 'vincevargadev');
// Convert the intent instance to a string.
// Use either Dart's string interpolation or the toString() method.
// The "launch" method is part of "url_launcher".
await launch('$intent');
copied to clipboard
Usage #
Here are a couple of examples how you can use this package.
Don't forget to convert the intents toString to get the URLs.
I left actual, working links below each example, so that you can try them out
right from your browser.
These links will also help with understanding how the web intents work on mobile, especially if the official Twitter app is
installed on your phone. You can try out these intents without having to write
a Flutter app just by using the links below.
Follow user #
Launching a FollowUserIntent will ask to follow the specified user.
FollowUserIntent(username: 'vincevargadev');
copied to clipboard
Follow me @vincevargadev
Keep in mind that usernames might change.
Retweet #
To let the user retweet a link, just look up the tweet ID and you are ready to go!
RetweetIntent(tweetId: '1355115682170597377');
copied to clipboard
Retweet my tweet about the Flutter 101 Podcast
Simple tweet intent #
With the TweetIntent, you can pre-populate the user's tweet with hashtags,
URLs, and the text. The user can still edit the tweet before sending it, or the
user might even just cancel the tweet.
hashtags: ['Dart', 'Flutter'],
text: 'The new twitter_intent package is here! 🚀',
via: 'vincevargadev',
url: '',
related: [
username: 'flutter101podcast',
description: 'Flutter Podcast',
copied to clipboard
Help this package get more users by tweeting about it!
Tweet intent in reply to an existing tweet #
text: 'Can\'t wait for this @FlutterDev podcast!',
hashtags: ['Flutter', 'Dart'],
via: 'vincevargadev',
inReplyTo: '1355115682170597377',
copied to clipboard
Respond to my podcast tweet
Like tweet #
LikeTweetIntent(tweetId: '1355115682170597377');
copied to clipboard
Like my podcast tweet
Direct message #
// Twitter expects a user ID for DMs.
final vincevargadev = '1104126419557335042';
DirectMessageIntent(recipientId: vincevargadev);
copied to clipboard
Send me a direct message
Direct message with pre-populated text (and emojis) #
// Twitter expects a user ID for direct messages.
final vincevargadev = '1104126419557335042';
recipientId: vincevargadev,
text: 'I just tried your Twitter package and it is 👌❤️.',
copied to clipboard
Send me a direct message about this package
Localization #
All intents in this package accept the language parameter that lets you
override the language display of a logged-in user or languages accepted by
the browser.
Examples: en, de, es, hu, zh-cn, ur, vi, hi, ja.
This basically means that you can set the language of the Twitter UI by passing
in the language parameter.
Twitter supports 30+ languages. For the full list visit Twitter's supported languages document.
This feature only works in web browsers. Overriding the mobile app's language is not possible.
If you want to test the examples below, copy the link address and open it in an
incognito window.
Follow (Chinese)
username: 'vincevargadev',
language: 'zh-cn',
copied to clipboard
Follow me with the Twitter UI set to Chinese!
Direct message (German)
recipientId: vincevargadev,
text: 'Hallo Vince, wie geht\'s dir? 🇩🇪',
language: 'de',
copied to clipboard
German message with German Twitter UI


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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