
Creator: coderz1093

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type ahead text field

Flutter Type Ahead TextField #
Making Facebook-like type-to-tag dynamic TextField.
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Core Features #

Prefix-Triggered Callbacks

Create callbacks that trigger whenever the user types designated prefixes (e.g., @, #). This functionality includes handling scenarios where the cursor moves out of the word containing the matched prefix as the user types more.

Dynamic Data Suggestions

Suggest a list of data based on the detected prefix. For example, @ for friends and # for trending tags.

Multi-Prefix Detection

Enable a single TextField to handle multiple types of prefixes, such as @, #, and more.

Prefix-Based Suggestions

Generate suggestion items dynamically based on the detected prefix.

Contextual Suggestion Dialog

Place the suggestion dialog right at the detected prefix. Ensure it appears when the TextField cursor is positioned directly after the prefix. You can obtain the PrefixMatchState once the controller detects prefixes.

Responsive Suggestion Dialog

Adjust the position of the suggestion dialog as the user types, accounting for changes in the offset of the TextField cursor. The dialog's Y offset is variable, while the width remains constant (e.g., similar to Facebook's suggestion dialog). The TypeAheadTextFieldController also supports checking the X offset for greater customization.

Scroll Handling

Recalculate the X offset if the text length becomes extensive, causing the TextField to scroll. This is achieved by providing the TextField controller and retrieving the position dynamically.

Customizable TextSpan

Customize the TextSpan for words matching different prefixes. This includes adding dynamic data, such as UserModel or TagModel. The CustomSpan is applied only to text that has been added to the approved data.

OnRemove Callback

Listen to the onRemove callback to handle scenarios where the user adds an item and subsequently deletes the text, allowing for appropriate adjustments based on what has been removed.

Read more: https://medium.com/@phungtp97/making-a-dynamic-type-to-tag-dialog-thats-auto-pop-up-in-flutter-3a7848b1dada #


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