
Creator: coderz1093

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tyrads sdk


Level up your gaming experience with

Tyrads lets you integrate offers in your app in simple and easy to follow steps.
Tyrads #
Tyrads is an open source framework that provides a wrapper for presenting and creating offerwall. It interacts with the Tyrads backend letting you easily show offers with only few lines of code!

Note: Apps designed for Children and Families program should not be using Tyrads SDK, since Tyrads does not collect data from users less than 13 years old

Note: Tyrads SDK utilizes Apple's Advertising ID (IDFA) on iOS and GAID on Android to identify and retarget users with campaigns. You should initialize Tyrads Flutter plugin only if the relevant IDFA/GAID permission was granted by the user

Getting Started #
Prerequisites #

Android SDK 21 or higher using Google Play Services
iOS version 11.0 or higher
Flutter version 1.20.0 or higher
Dart SDK version 2.12.0 or higher
CocoaPods version 1.10.0 or higher

Installation #
Just open the terminal with project root working and type below command
flutter pub get tyrads_sdk
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Integrating the Tyrads offerwall functionality into your application is a straightforward process that involves a few key steps. By following these integration steps, you can seamlessly incorporate the offerwall feature, enhancing user engagement and potentially generating revenue for your application.
1. Initialization #
This step initializes the Tyrads SDK within your application. You need to provide the API key and API secret obtained from the Tyrads platform. This allows your app to communicate securely with Tyrads' servers.

Tyrads.instance.init( apiKey: "xyz", apiSecret:"abc123");
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From version 1.1.2, you can also pass the user & media source information to the SDK. This information is used to personalize the user experience and improve the accuracy of attribution. You can know about each parameter in the documentation.

userInfo: TyradsUserInfo(
email: "example@tyrads.com",
phoneNumber: "001234567890",
userGroup: "High purchase user",
mediaSourceInfo: TyradsMediaSourceInfo(
mediaSourceName: "Facebook",
mediaCampaignName: "Summer2023Promo",
mediaSourceId: "FB001",
mediaSubSourceId: "FB001_Stories",
incentivized: false,
mediaAdsetName: "YoungAdults25-34",
mediaAdsetId: "AD001",
mediaCreativeName: "SummerSale_Video",
mediaCreativeId: "CR001",
sub1: "ReferralCode123",
sub2: "OrganicInstall",
sub3: "HighValueUser",
sub4: "FirstTimeUser",
sub5: "iOSDevice",

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2. User Login #
Upon initializing the SDK, the mandatory step is to log in the user. However, passing a user ID is optional and is only necessary when the publisher operates its own user system. This login process ensures that user interactions with the offerwall are accurately tracked and attributed within the application.
await Tyrads.instance.loginUser(userID: "xxx");//userID is optional
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3. Show Offerwall #
Once the SDK is initialized and the user is logged in (if applicable), you can display the offerwall to the user. This typically involves calling a function provided by the Tyrads SDK, such as showOffers, passing in the context of your application. The offerwall is where users can engage with various offers, advertisements, or promotions provided by Tyrads, potentially earning rewards or incentives in the process.
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Android 12
Apps updating their target API level to 31 (Android 12) or higher will need to declare a Google Play services normal permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file.
Navigate to the android/app/src/main directory inside your project's root, locate the AndroidManifest.xml file and add the following line just before the <application>.
<uses-permission android:name="com.google.android.gms.permission.AD_ID" />
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You can read more about Google Advertising ID changes here.

iOS 14+
You need to add NSUserTrackingUsageDescription to info.plist file like
<string>We use device identification to personalize your rewards experience, track your progress, and provide tailored offers. This helps us improve our services and ensure you get the most value from our rewards program.</string>
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Tyrads SDK can work with or without the IDFA permission on iOS 14+. If no permission is granted in the ATT popup, the SDK will serve non personalized offers to the user. In that scenario the conversion is expected to be lower. Offerwall integrations perform better compared to when no IDFA permission is given. Our recommendation is that you should ask for IDFA usage permission prior to Tyrads sdk initialization.


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