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ultimate extension
ultimate_extension #
Ultimate_extension provides powerful and easy-to-use extensions for Dart collections and objects. This package extends List, Iterable, Map, and Object with various utilities including random selection, copying, partitioning, JSON handling, and more.
Table of contents #
Getting started
Most Used Extensions Methods
String Extensions
Color Extensions
Iterable Extensions
Map Extensions
Num Extensions
Other Extensions
Getting started #
First, add ultimate_extension as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file
sdk: flutter
ultimate_extension : ^[version]
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Import the package #
import 'package:ultimate_extension/ultimate_extension.dart';
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Most Used Extensions Methods #
Debounce and Throttle #
Debouncing ensures only the last call to a method is executed if multiple calls happen in quick succession. Each call resets a timer, and the target method is only invoked when the timer completes without interruption.
id: "Debounce",
delay: Duration(seconds: 1),
action: () => yourMethod()
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Throttling ensures that a method is called at most once within a specified time period. It prevents multiple calls by allowing only the first call to execute, and subsequent calls within the period are ignored until the period has elapsed.
id: "Throttle",
delay: Duration(seconds: 1),
action: () => yourMethod());
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Object Extensions #
tryConvertTo: Changing datatypes can be one of the challenge we face during parsing if not handled correctly but no more you can use tryConvertTo method to convert the received type to desired data type even if the type receives is different currently it supports only build in data type
double data = "12344.5".tryConvertTo<double>();
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String Extensions #
amISame: Checks if the current string is the same as another string, ignoring case and leading/trailing whitespace.
bool isSame = "test".amISame(to: "TeST"); // true
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displayIfNull: Provide a default value for null strings.
String display = null.displayIfNull(displayString: "N/A"); // N/A
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Color Extensions #
ColorHelper.fromHex: Get Color from hexcode.
Color backgroundColor = ColorHelper.fromHex("#aabbcc");
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Iterable Extensions #
getFirstElementWithIndex: gets the element along with its index.
List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3];
IndexValue<int>? result = numbers.getFirstElementWithIndex((element) => element > 1);
print(result?.itemIndex); // 1
print(result?.data); // 2
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Map Extensions #
prettyPrint: Convert the map to a pretty-printed JSON string.
Map<String, dynamic> data = {
"name": "John",
"email": "[email protected]",
//"name": "John",
//"email": "[email protected]"
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String Extensions #
Currency Formatting #
Format a string as currency:
String currency = "1234567.89".formatCurrency(",", "₹", true); // ₹1,234,567.89
String abbreviation = "12345678".toIndianAbbreviatedString(); // 1.23 Cr
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Similar extensions are:
Case Conversion #
toSentenceCase(): Convert a string to sentence case.
toTitleCase: Convert a string to title case.
Character Limitation #
limitCharacters(): Limit a string to a specified number of characters.
Whitespace Management #
removeAllWhiteSpace: Remove all whitespace from a string.
removeOuterWhiteSpace (Nullable): Remove outer whitespace from a nullable string.
Validation #
isValidEmail(): Validate email format.
isValidUrl: Check if a string is a valid URL.
isNumericOnly: Check if a string consists only of numeric characters.
isAlphabetOnly: Check if a string consists only of alphabetic characters.
Conversion #
toBool(): Convert a string to a boolean value.
toInt(): Convert a string to an integer.
toDouble(): Convert a string to a double.
String Masking #
maskString(): Mask parts of a string.
List Conversion #
toCharacterList(): Convert a string to a list of characters.
getListFrom(): Convert a string to a list of substrings.
Numeric and Alphabet Checks #
isNumericOnly: Check if a string is numeric.
isAlphabetOnly: Check if a string is alphabetic.
hasCapitalletter: Check if a string contains at least one capital letter.
Reading Time Calculation #
readTime(): Estimate the reading time in seconds.
Decimal Place Limitation #
limitDecimalPlaces(): Limit the number of decimal places in numeric strings.
Ordinal Suffix Addition #
addOrdinalSuffix: Add ordinal suffixes to numeric strings. i.e 21st
JSON Conversion #
toMapFromEscapedString(): Convert an escaped JSON string to a map.
Query Parameter Extraction #
getQueryParameters(): Extract query parameters from URLs.
File Type Checks #
isVideo: Determine if a string represents a video file.
isAudio: Determine if a string represents an audio file.
isImage: Determine if a string represents an image file.
File Extension Handling #
getFileExtension (Nullable): Extract the file extension from a nullable string.
Color Extensions #
Get hexcode from color
String hexcode = Colors.red.toHex();
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Get Random color
Color backgroundColor = ColorHelper.getRandomColor();
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Iterable Extensions #
Get Element at Index also supports negative index like python
List<int> numbers = [1, 2, 3];
int? element = numbers.getElementAt(1);
print(element); // 2
element = numbers.getElementAt(-1);
print(element); // 3
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Similar extensions are:
List Extensions #
getRandomElement: Get a random element from the list.
shallowCopy: Create a shallow copy of the list.
swap: Swap elements at specified indexes in the list.
updateAtIndex: Update the element at a specific index.
partition: Partition the list into sublists of specified size.
removeDuplicates: Remove duplicate elements from the list.
intersect: Get the intersection of the list with another iterable.
subtract: Subtract elements in another iterable from the list.
union: Union the list with another iterable.
pop: Remove and return the last element of the list.
deleteElementAt: Delete an element at a specific index.
getSublistFrom: Get a sublist from specified start and end indexes.
Iterable Extensions #
getLastElement: Get the last element.
getFirstElement: Get the first element.
containsAll: Check if the iterable contains all elements from another iterable.
getStringByJoiningWith: Join elements into a string with a specified separator.
indexedForEach: Iterate over elements with their index.
find: Find a single element matching a predicate.
Numeric Iterable Extensions #
sum: Sum all elements in a numeric iterable.
getMinimum: Get the minimum value.
getMaximum: Get the maximum value.
getSecondMin: Get the second minimum value.
getSecondMax: Get the second maximum value.
Null Iterable Extensions #
removeNull: Remove null values from an iterable.
Map Extensions #
Convert to Escaped JSON
Map<String, dynamic> data = {
"name": "John",
"email": "[email protected]",
String escapedJson = data.toEscapedJson();
print(escapedJson); // {\"name\":\"John\",\"email\":\"[email protected]\"}
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Similar extensions are:
toJsonAndEncode: Convert the map to a JSON string and then encode it to Base64.
containsKey: Check if the map contains a specified key.
toStringFromJson: Convert the map to a JSON string.
forEachEntry: Iterate over the map's entries and apply a function.
Num Extensions #
Calculate percentage change
num investedValue = 75;
num currentValue = 50;
double returns = currentValue.percentageChangeFrom(original: investedValue);
print(returns); // -33.33333
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toCurrency: Converts the number to a currency format string.
roundToDecimalPlaces: Rounds the number to a specified number of decimal places.
toRadians: Converts the number from degrees to radians.
toDegrees: Converts the number from radians to degrees.
square: Returns the square of the number.
cube: Returns the cube of the number.
absolute: Returns the absolute value of the number.
toPercentage: Converts the number to a percentage string with a specified number of decimal places.
Other Extensions #
isNull: Check if the object is null.
getMemoryAddress: Get the memory address of the object.
whatsMydataType: Get the runtime type of the object.
log: Log the object's string representation to the console.
getBytes: Retrieves bytes from the ImageProvider asynchronously using a specified BuildContext and ImageByteFormat.
Feel free to post a feature requests or report a bug here.
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