
Creator: coderz1093

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Uncomplicated #
A very simple state management library with very small codebase
and no flutter dependencies
Features #

Easy to use
0 dependencies. Depends only on Dart SDK
Entire library is some 300 SLOC. Less code means less bugs

Getting started #
dart pub add uncomplicated
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flutter pub add uncomplicated
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Usage #
There are 2 main classes in this library -

ExplicitState and

ExplicitState is a very thin wrapper on top of Stream.broadcast.
final counter = ExplicitState(0);

// value returns current state
print(counter.value); // prints 0
final subscription = counter.listen((e) => print(i));
counter.add(1); // prints 1 because of listener on above line
subscription.cancel(); // optionally cancel the subscription.
// Note: there is no way to close this stream intentionally.
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Stream.broadcast does not synchronously call its listeners. It schedules
a microtask. Which means:
final counter = ExplicitState(0);
print(counter.value); // prints 0 till micro events are processed
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This is not usually a problem.
ComputedState This is where the magic happens. We specify the dependencies
like d depends on a, b and c. So whenever these change, we call the builder
again to obtain the new state
final a = ExplicitState(2);
final b = ExplicitState(3);
final c = ComputedState(builder: () => 4);
final d = ComputedState(
// for computed state, .value returns a snapshot which is equivalent
// to AsyncSnapshot i.e. it can be waiting, error, or have data
// inside builder, we should use data as ComputedState handles waiting
// and error of dependencies automatically
builder: () => a.value + b.value * c.data,
explicitDependencies: [a, b],
computedDependencies: [c]

// note the dependencies are not registered till you use .listen
// or .value for the first time
print(d.data) // 2 + 3 * 4 = 2 + 12 = 14;
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API calls #
ComputeState understands Future. ComputeState.value is a Snapshot object
which is a monad representing

waiting for Future to complete
future completed with error
future completed with data

final state = ComputedState(builder: () => Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), () => 1));
print(state.value); // prints _Snapshot[state: waiting]
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1);
print(state.value); // prints _Snapshot[state: data, 1]

final state2 = ComputedState(builder: () => Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1), () => throw StateError('')));
print(state2.value); // prints _Snapshot[state: waiting]
await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 1);
print(state2.value); // prints _Snapshot[state: error, ...]
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Accessing data from Snapshot #
The only way to access data from Snapshot is:
data: (data) => print(data),
error: (error, stacktrace) { print(error); print(stacktrace); },
waiting: () => print('waiting'),
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This ensures you handle all the conditions and if you don't, the code
is very explicit that we dont care about these conditions
If you are damn sure you got back valid data, you can use state.data.
state.data is a wrapper over match which throws StateError if you call
it on an object which is in error or waiting state.
Only use state.data inside the builder argument to ComputedState


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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