up-branch-citeproc-py 0.6.0.post1

Creator: bradpython12

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upbranchciteprocpy 0.6.0.post1

Note: This is a forked package, forked from https://github.com/brechtm/citeproc-py
Please use https://pypi.org/project/citeproc-py/ instead.


citeproc-py is a CSL processor for Python. It aims to implement the
CSL 1.0.1 specification. citeproc-py can output styled citations and
bibliographies in a number of different output formats. Currently
supported are plain text, reStructuredText and HTML. Other formats can
be added easily.
citeproc-py uses semantic versioning. Currently, its major version
number is still at 0, meaning the API is not yet stable. However, you
should not expect to see any major API changes soon.

citeproc-py supports Python 3.6 and up. It depends on lxml for parsing and
navigating the CSL style and locale files.

The recommended way of installing citeproc-py is by using pip:
pip install citeproc-py
If lxml isn’t installed, pip will try to install it for you.
If you insist, you can manually install citeproc-py from distribution packages
hosted at PyPI. Please ignore the release archives offered by GitHub.

Getting Started
To get started with citeproc-py, take a look at the examples under
examples/. Two examples are provided, one parsing references from a
JSON representation of references as supported by citeproc-js, another
parsing the references from a BibTeX file. Both show and explain how to
cite references and render the bibliography.

CSL Compatibility
Currently, citeproc-py passes almost 60% of the (relevant) tests in the
citeproc-test suite. However, it is more than 60% complete, as
citeproc-py doesn’t take care of double spaces and repeated punctuation
marks yet, making a good deal of the tests fail. In addition, the
following features have not yet been implemented (there are probably
some I forgot though):


Also, some citeproc-js functionality that is not part of the CSL spec
is not (yet) supported:

raw dates
literal names

Running the Tests
First clone the citeproc-test suite so that it sits next to the
citeproc-py directory. Now you can run citeproc-test.py (in the tests
directory). Run citeproc-test.py --help to see its usage information.


Release 0.6.0 (2021-05-27)
Bug fixes

Various issues on Windows: testing, explicit utf-8 encoding
Strings with unescaped declared r”aw”

Other changes:

Removed support for Python 2.7, 3.5 and added for 3.9
Travis CI is removed in favor of GitHub actions testing across
all 3 major OSes (MacOS, Windows, GNU/Linux Ubuntu)
CSL test-suite progressed from 5779a8c to c3db429

Release 0.5.1 (2020-03-06)
Bug fixed:

avoid rnc2rng 2.6.2 which breaks installation of citeproc-py

Release 0.5.0 (2020-02-09)

handle commas and ampersands in a functional style
Number: handle commas and ampersands
added symbol for textquotesingle
specify fallback locales for fr-CA and es-CL
improved page number and ranges parsing

Bug fixed:

don’t fail on empty page ranges (#90) (bbm)
detect end of file while parsing incorrect bib (#59) (John Vandenberg)

Other changes:

Removed 3.2-3.4 and added 3.7, 3.8 to supported Pythons
Refactored locales handling

Release 0.4.0 (2017-06-23)
New features:

allow specifying the encoding of a BibTeX database file (#20 and #25)
BibTeX ‘month’ field: support integers and “<month> <day>” values
BibTeX ‘pages’ field: support “10”, “10+”, “10-12” and “10–12” formats
BibTeX entry types: map the non-standard ‘thesis’ and ‘report’ entries
update the CSL schema to version 1.0.1 (#5)
update the CSL locales to commit 49bf3fc0

Bug fixed:

avoid crash when there is nothing to affix (David Lesieur)
fix BibTeX month to CSL month mapping (#24)
strip leading/trailing whitespace from BibTeX values (#37)

Release 0.3.0 (2014-11-07)
Major improvements to the BibTeX parser:

split names into parts and assign them to the equivalent CSL name parts
fixed handling of accent macros and escaped characters
more compatible (La)TeX macro handling in general (but still basic)
handle standard Computer Modern ligatures such as –, —, and <<
added unit tests for the BibTeX and LaTeX parsers

Other changes:

disable RelaxNG validation of CSL styles by default (API change)

Release 0.2.0 (2014-10-25)

bad cite callback function can determine how a bad cite is displayed (hetsch)
added option to disable RelaxNG validation (Jasper Op de Coul)
distutils was replaced with setuptools (Joshua Carp)
bug fixes (Yaroslav Halchenko, David Lesieur)
CitationStylesBibliography.bibliography() now returns the list of entries


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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