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upepper 0.1.3
Pepper contains a Python library and CLI scripts for accessing a remote
salt-api instance.
pepperlib abstracts the HTTP calls to salt-api so existing Python
projects can easily integrate with a remote Salt installation just by
instantiating a class.
The pepper CLI script allows users to execute Salt commands from computers
that are external to computers running the salt-master or salt-minion
daemons as though they were running Salt locally. The long-term goal is to add
additional CLI scripts maintain the same interface as Salt’s own CLI scripts
(salt, salt-run, salt-key, etc).
It does not require any additional dependencies and runs on Python 2.5+ and
Python 3. (Python 3 support is new, please file an issue if you encounter
pip install salt-pepper
Basic usage is in heavy flux. You can run pepper using the script in %PYTHONHOME%/scripts/pepper (a pepper.cmd wrapper is provided for convenience to Windows users).
pepper '*' test.ping
pepper '*' test.kwarg hello=dolly
Examples leveraging the runner client.
pepper --client runner reactor.list
pepper --client runner reactor.add event='test/provision/*' reactors='/srv/salt/state/reactor/test-provision.sls'
You can configure pepper through the command line, using environment variables
or in a configuration file $HOME/.pepperrc with the following syntax :
Please feel free to get involved by sending pull requests or join us on the
Salt mailing list or on IRC in #salt or #salt-devel.
This repo follows the same contributing guidelines as Salt and uses
separate develop and master branches for in-progress additions and bug-fix
changes respectively.
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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