
Creator: coderz1093

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Uploader #

This package is used for creating AAB/APK and IPA files, and sending them to Play Console, TestFlight, and Firebase App Distribution
Installation #

Create a JSON file with issuer_id and auth_key, and provide the path of the JSON file to the Uploader's iosConfig->path parameter.
issuer_id can be obtained in Users and Access under App Store Connect.
For auth_key, create a new Developer Key in the same section as issuer_id. The id value of this key can be used as the auth_key. Download the created key file and place it in the ~/private_keys/ directory on the computer where the package will be called.


Configure the keystore (https://developer.android.com/studio/publish/app-signing#secure-shared-keystore).
Activate the Google Play Android Developer API on Google Cloud (https://console.developers.google.com/apis/api/androidpublisher.googleapis.com/?hl=en).
Create a service account from this link: https://console.cloud.google.com/iam-admin/serviceaccounts?hl=en. After creating the service account , generate a new JSON Key file from the Keys tab of the service account . Provide the path of this JSON file to the Uploader 's androidConfig->path parameter.
Finally, the service account needs to be granted permission. From the Users and Permissions section of the Google Play Console , send an invitation to the service account email with Admin or Releases permissions.


Install Firebase CLI (https://firebase.google.com/docs/cli?hl=tr).
Activate App Distribution on Firebase .
Under Settings in Firebase , integrate with Google Play in the Integrations tab. If the app has not been published yet, this integration cannot be done, and in this case, Uploader 's androidBuildType parameter should be set to apk .

Usage #
uploader: any
copied to clipboard
platform: all # ios, android, all
uploadType: all # appDistribution, store, all
path: ios_deploy_config.json # must include auth_key and issuer_id
path: android_deploy_config.json # must include client_email, client_id, private_key
track: internal # internal, alpha, beta
packageName: "com.package.name"
skslPath: null
androidBuildType : abb # abb, apk
androidTesters : null
iosTesters : ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
releaseNotes: ["app icon updated"]
extraBuildParameters: null
copied to clipboard
Collaborators #


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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