
Creator: coderz1093

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user messaging platform

A flutter plugin which provides a Dart API for the User Messaging Platform (UMP)
SDK, which is the Consent Management Platform (CMP) SDK provided as part of
Google's Funding Choices.
Also, see the
iabtcf_consent_info package, for
reading TCF consent info, made available though Consent Management Platform
SDKs, such as UMP. If you have configured Funding Choices to obtain consent for
additional purposes for you, the publisher, this package allows you to access
that information.

If you're looking for a database solution, check out
cbl, another project of mine. It brings
Couchbase Lite to standalone Dart and Flutter, with support for:

Full-Text Search,
Expressive Queries,
Data Sync,
Change Notifications

and more.

Setup #
The UMP SDK requires some platform dependent setup.
Android #
App ID

Obtain your APP ID by following the
Help Center instructions.

Add your app ID to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""

<activity android:name=".MainActivity">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />

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More information
For more information visit the
Android UMP SDK quick start guide.
iOS #
App ID

Obtain your APP ID by following the
Help Center instructions.

Add your app ID to your Info.plist:

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App Tracking Transparency
If you plan to use the App Tracking Transparency framework:

Add a NSUserTrackingUsageDescription to your Info.plist:

<string>This identifier will be used to deliver personalized ads to you.</string>
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Link the Runner target to the AppTrackingTransparency under Targets ->
Runner -> Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content.

More information
For more information visit the
iOS UMP SDK quick start guide.
Usage #
This basic usage example show how to update the consent info and show the
consent form to the user if consent is required:
void updateConsent() async {
// Make sure to continue with the latest consent info.
var info = await UserMessagingPlatform.instance.requestConsentInfoUpdate();

// Show the consent form if consent is required.
if (info.consentStatus == ConsentStatus.required) {
// `showConsentForm` returns the latest consent info, after the consent from has been closed.
info = await UserMessagingPlatform.instance.showConsentForm();
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iOS: App Tracking Transparency #
You can let the UMP SDK handle the
ATT permission request.
If you would like to determine when to show the permission request yourself, you
can check the TrackingAuthorizationStatus and requestTrackingAuthorization
through this plugin:
void showATTPermissionRequest() async {
final status = await UserMessagingPlatform.instance.getTrackingAuthorizationStatus();

if (status == TrackingAuthorizationStatus.notDetermined) {
await UserMessagingPlatform.instance.requestTrackingAuthorization();
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Example #
For an example to verify you configuration, take a look at the
example tab.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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