
Creator: coderz1093

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util simple 3d

util_simple_3d #
(en)Japanese ver is here.
Overview #
This package is a set of utilities for Sp3dObj (simple_3d package).
It currently includes utilities that make it easy to generate geometry and a simple set of materials.
simple_3d package
Usage #
Create Geometry #
import 'package:simple_3d/simple_3d.dart';
import 'package:util_simple_3d/util_simple_3d.dart';

Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.capsule(50, 250);
copied to clipboard
Use Default Material #
import 'package:simple_3d/simple_3d.dart';
import 'package:util_simple_3d/util_simple_3d.dart';

Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.cube(200,200,200,4,4,4);
copied to clipboard
Geometry type #
Tile #
Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.tile(200, 200, 4, 4);
obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.grey.deepCopy()..strokeColor=Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
copied to clipboard

Cube #
Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.cube(200,200,200,4,4,4);
obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.grey.deepCopy()..strokeColor=Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 0, 255);
obj.rotate(Sp3dV3D(1,1,0).nor(), 30*3.14/180);
copied to clipboard

Circle #
Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.circle(100, fragments: 20);
obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.grey.deepCopy()..strokeColor=Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
copied to clipboard

Cone #
Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.cone(100, 200);
obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.grey.deepCopy()..strokeColor=Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
obj.rotate(Sp3dV3D(1, 0, 0), -100*3.14/180);
obj.move(Sp3dV3D(0, -100, 0));
copied to clipboard

Pillar #
Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.pillar(50, 50, 200);
obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.grey.deepCopy()..strokeColor=Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
obj.rotate(Sp3dV3D(1, 0, 0), -120*3.14/180);
obj.move(Sp3dV3D(0, -100, 0));
copied to clipboard

Sphere #
Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.sphere(100);
obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.grey.deepCopy()..strokeColor=Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
copied to clipboard

Capsule #
Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.capsule(50,200);
obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.grey.deepCopy()..strokeColor=Color.fromARGB(255, 0, 255, 0);
obj.move(Sp3dV3D(0, 100, 0));
copied to clipboard

Wire frame #
Sp3dObj obj = UtilSp3dGeometry.cube(200,200,200,4,4,4);
obj.fragments[0].faces[0].materialIndex = 1;
obj.materials[0] = FSp3dMaterial.blueWire.deepCopy();
obj.rotate(Sp3dV3D(-0.2,0.5,0).nor(), 15*3.14/180);
copied to clipboard

Common parts #
Coordinate arrows and mesh creation #
List<Sp3dObj> objs = UtilSp3dCommonParts.coordinateArrows(255);
copied to clipboard

Support #
If you need paid support for any reason, please contact my company.
This package is developed by me personally, but may be supported via the company.
SimpleAppli Inc.
About future development #
Some geometry may be added in the future.
About Naming rule in this package #
Utilities are prefixed with "Util".
Static field definition files are prefixed with "F".
These are set up for easy calling from the IDE.
About version control #
The C part will be changed at the time of version upgrade.

Changes such as adding variables, structure change that cause problems when reading previous files.


Adding methods, etc.


Minor changes and bug fixes.


License #
This software is released under the MIT License, see LICENSE file.
Copyright notice #
The “Dart” name and “Flutter” name are trademarks of Google LLC.
*The developer of this package is not Google LLC.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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