
Creator: coderz1093

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utils package

Flutter Utils Package #
Features #

Short methods for route navigation (push, pop, pushToFirst, popTill)
Convenient methods for SizedBox (height, width)
Loading indicator integration with the flutter_easyloading package
Formatted JSON printing

Changelog #
Version 0.0.2 #

Added extension method for MediaQuery

Version 0.0.3 #

Minor code changes

Version 0.0.4 #

Minor changes in the Loading indicator method

Version 0.0.5 #

Added proper documentation for helper methods and functions
Converted height and width methods to stateless widgets

Version 0.0.6 #

Fixed width widget issue
Added platform check for the push method to pass the correct page route

Version 0.0.7 #

Made loading title nullable

Version 0.0.8 #

Fixed an issue where the primary color was not reflecting properly

Version 0.0.9 #

Update Documentation


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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