
Creator: coderz1093

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utopia cms

Utopia CMS (Core) #
The Utopia CMS Core package is a data visualization library written in Flutter for creating beautiful,
animated, high-performance and flexible CMS panels, which are used to manage databases for mobile apps.

Motivation #
Creating CMS panels in Flutter can be costly compared to using No-Code/Low-Code solutions. However, we believe that it
is still beneficial for a project as it ensures maintainability and allows for the creation of outstanding UI, which is
often lacking in existing solutions. That's why we have developed this Low-Code library to optimize the process of
creating customizable panels.
Example #
This is a simple example which integrates with GraphQL server and creates complete CMS layout with one page and
management flow.
class Example extends StatelessWidget {
final String? pageId;
final void Function(String pageId) onPageChanged;
final GraphQLClient client;

const Example({required this.pageId, required this.onPageChanged, required this.client});

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
body: CmsWidget(
selectedPageId: MutableValue.delegate(() => pageId ?? 'users', onPageChanged),
items: [
id: 'products',
icon: Icon(Icons.shopping_basket_outlined),
title: Text('Products'),
content: _buildProductsPage(),

CmsTablePage _buildProductsPage() {
return CmsTablePage(
title: "Products",
delegate: CmsHasura.delegate(
client: client,
table: Tables.products,
fields: TableFields.products,
archivedFilter: const CmsFilterNotEquals("archived", true),
entries: [
CmsTextEntry(key: "name", modifier: const CmsEntryModifier(sortable: true)),
CmsTextEntry(key: "description", flex: 4),
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CMS overview & basic features #
The utopia_cms_core library provides the following features for creating server-layer, responsive table-based pages,
edit/create flows, and internal navigation. It also supports integration with custom pages and offers a set of helpful
widgets to maintain a coherent theme in your application.
CmsWidget #
Wraps whole application and creates a proper paging behavior with usage of CmsMenu.
CmsThemeData #
Modifies the styling of the Widgets, determines fonts and colors.
CmsTable #
This is a standalone widget for table-based content management. By default, it displays a sortable and filterable table,
introduces 25 item infinite-scroll paging, creates edit and create subpages, and supports item removal. The data is
provided by CmsDelegate and displayed by CmsEntry. Requests may be filtered via CmsFilterEntry.
CmsEntry #
This interface handles the display and management of data. There is a pre-created set of primitives for interacting with
basic data types.


Handles generic String variables

Handles numeric variables

For managing set of options and singular choice

Handles bool variables

Handles Date variables

Handles files (img, vid, doc, unknown)

M2M relationships multi selection dropdown

You can create custom entries by referring to the implementation of any primitive and the
CmsFilterEntry #
This interface handles filtering fields of the CmsTable.


Handles generic String full search

Handles date ranges

You can create custom entries by referring to the implementation of any primitive and the
CmsDelegate #
This is the main interface for handling CmsTable. It is not suitable on its own for handling to-many relationships.
To achieve this functionality, refer to Relationships
The library provides pre-created delegates:


Firebase delegate integration

Generic GraphQL delegate integration

Hasura delegate integration

To create your custom delegate, refer to the implementation of any delegate and the
CmsDelegate interface.
Relationships #
Handling relation-based entries in the system is slightly more complex. For a particular entry, you need to use
the CmsToManyDelegate
and register additional callbacks to CmsItemManagementBaseState that is available via Provider
final baseState = Provider.of<CmsItemManagementBaseState>(context);

(value) async {
return delegate.update(...);
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The library provides the following existing solutions for relationships:

Existing CmsToManyDelegate implementations

CmsHasuraOneToManyDelegate, CmsHasuraManyToManyDelegate

Media #
Media such as images or videos are
handled by CmsMediaDelegate
which introduces upload and delete functions.
The library provides no existing generic solutions for relationships yet, but here's an example
class FileDelegate implements CmsMediaDelegate {
final CmsGraphQLService graphQLService;
final GraphQLClient client;

const FileDelegate(this.graphQLService, this.client);

Future<({String downloadUrl, CmsFileRef ref})> upload(XFile file) async {
final (uploadUrl, downloadUrl) = await _createAttachment(mimeType: file.mimeType!);
await _upload(uploadUrl, file);
return (downloadUrl: downloadUrl, ref: "XD");

Future<(String, String)> _createAttachment({required String mimeType}) async {
final result = await graphQLService.mutate(
name: 'createAttachment',
arguments: {'data': {'contentType': mimeType}.toValueNodeUnsafe()},
fields: {CmsGraphQLField('uploadUrl'), CmsGraphQLField('downloadUrl')},
result as Map<String, dynamic>;
return (result['uploadUrl'] as String, result['downloadUrl'] as String);

Future<void> _upload(String url, XFile file) async {
final webFile = await HttpRequest.request(file.path, responseType: 'blob');
final request = await HttpRequest.request(url, method: 'PUT', mimeType: file.mimeType!, sendData: webFile.response);
if(request.status != HttpStatus.ok) throw Exception("Failed to upload");
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Widgets #
The package exports its basic UI components in order to allow maintaining a coherent theme in your custom pages.


Contributions #
Contributions are welcomed!
If you want to support our project, feel free to open a pull-request.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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