uvraspy 1.0.5

Creator: bradpython12

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uvraspy 1.0.5

UVedor Hat

Software for the UVedora hat.
Getting started
to install the project consult the installation guide
Raspberry Pi
The python program can only be installed on the raspberry pi

Before you install the program please install the dependencies required for the program to run. these are described below

Installing uvraspy using pip
You can install uvraspy using pip by running the following command:
pip install uvedora

uvraspy is now installed on your raspberry pi and you can start the program by running the following command:

Installing uvraspy from source
You can also install uvraspy from source by running the following commands:
# Make sure you are in the desired directory
git init
git remote add -f origin https://gitlab.utwente.nl/computer-systems-project/2022-2023/student-projects/cs22-25/cs-22-25-assignments.git

git config core.sparseCheckout true
echo "RasPy/*" >> .git/info/sparse-checkout
git pull origin main

To run the program you can run the following command:
cd RasPy/
python3 -m uvraspy.main

You need to install the following dependencies before you can install the program:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install bluetooth bluez libbluetooth-dev libudev-dev

When installing from source you also need to install the python dependencies, these can be installed by running the following command:
pip install -r RasPy/requirements.txt

Humidity-Temperature sensor (KY-015 DHT11)
(front-facing, connections downwards)

connect left connection to GPIO 23 (pin 16)
connect middle connection to 3V3 power (pin 1)
connect right connection to Ground (pin 6)

Pressure sensor (BMP280)

connect GND to Ground (pin 6)
do not connect VCC
connect SCL to GPIO 3 (SCL) (pin 5)
connect SDA to GPIO 2 (SDA) (pin 3)
do not connect CSB
connect SDO to 3V3 power (pin 1)

UV Sensor (LTR390 ALS+UV Sensor)

connect VIN to 3V3 power (pin 1)
do not connect 3V0
connect GND to Ground (pin 6)
connect SCL to GPIO 3 (SCL) (pin 5)
connect SDA to GPIO 2 (SDA) (pin 3)
do not connect INT

The android app can be installed on any android device running android 6.0 or higher.
Installing the app
You can install the app by downloading the apk file from the releases page and installing it on your android device
Building the app from source (only for developers)
To build the app from source you need to install the following tools:

Android Studio (recommended)
Android SDK (v33)
Android build tools
Android SDK Platform-Tools
Android SDK Command-line Tools
Flutter SDK

After installing the tools you can clone the repository and open the MobileApplication project in the terminal or in Android Studio
To build the app you can run the following command:
flutter build apk --release

The apk file can be found in build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk
Raspberry Pi
to run the program on the raspberry pi enter the following command:

to run the program on android install the app from the releases page and run the app
when your hat is running you can connect to it using the app
Support and contact
if you have any questions or problems you can contact us by email or by creating an issue
Authors and acknowledgment
developed by:

Niek Aukes
Femke Weijsenfeld
Bjorn Vuurens
Tessa Limbeek
Maxim Roșca

special thanks to:

Andy Lee

if you want to contribute to the project you can create a merge request
make sure to read the contribution guidelines before you start contributing
Gnu General Public License v3.0


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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