
Creator: coderz1093

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v chat media editor

V Chat SDK - Media Editor Package #
Welcome to the V Chat SDK Media Editor Package, a standalone component that provides robust image and video editing capabilities for your chat application. This package is part of the V Chat SDK ecosystem, but it can also be used independently.
Features #

Image and Video Editing: This package allows users to manipulate images and videos within the chat, including cropping images and drawing on them.
Customizable Editing Configurations: You can customize image quality with the VMediaEditorConfig class.

Installation #
To get started with the V Chat SDK Media Editor package, you'll first need to install it in your project using your preferred package manager.
Usage #
To implement this package in your application, use the VMediaEditorView:
final fileRes = await context.toPage(VMediaEditorView(
files: files,
config: VMediaEditorConfig(
imageQuality: vMessageConfig.compressImageQuality,
)) as List<VBaseMediaRes>?;
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VBaseMediaRes is the base class for the returned media objects. You can perform different actions based on the type of media returned:
if (file is VMediaImageRes) {
// Perform actions for edited images

if (file is VMediaVideoRes) {
// Perform actions for edited videos

if (file is VMediaFileRes) {
// Perform actions for other file types
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Documentation #
For a more detailed explanation on how to use this package, please refer to our comprehensive documentation. This includes in-depth guides, examples, and tutorials on how to fully leverage the V Chat SDK ecosystem.
Support #
If you encounter any issues, have feature requests, or general inquiries, please visit our issues page for information and to report any problems.

Note: Always ensure you are using the most recent version of the V Chat SDK and its packages to enjoy the latest features and improvements.

The V Chat SDK Media Editor Package is proudly developed and maintained by the V Chat Team.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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