0 purchases
Table of contents #
API Reference
Why Use This System
Dart Version
Features #
The code in this repository is designed to streamline the validation process in your Flutter projects. It consists of:
Custom Validators: Easily create and combine validators tailored to your needs.
Synchronous and Asynchronous Validation: Supports both types of validation, including remote checks and complex operations.
Built-in Validators: Includes a variety of common validators like required fields, min/max length, regex pattern matching, and more.
Flexible Error Messages: Customize error messages for each validation rule.
Installation #
To use validify in your Dart or Flutter project, add the following dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
validify: ^0.0.3
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Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.
Usage #
class EmailValidator extends Validify {
List<ValidatorFunction> get validators => [
Validator.require(message: 'Email is required'),
Validator.pattern(r'^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$', message: 'Invalid email format'),
controller: _emailController,
decoration: const InputDecoration(
labelText: 'Email',
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
validator: EmailValidator().validate,
/// ------------ or ------------
final ValidatorFunction _passwordValidator = Validators.combine([
Validators.require(message: 'Password is required'),
Validators.minLength(6, message: (length) => 'Password must be at least $length characters long'),
controller: _passwordController,
obscureText: true,
decoration: const InputDecoration(
labelText: 'Password',
border: OutlineInputBorder(),
validator: _passwordValidator,
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API Reference #
A utility class for creating and managing validation rules:
require({String? message}): Validator for checking if a value is not empty.
minLength(int length, {String? Function(int)? message}): Validator for minimum length.
maxLength(int length, {String? Function(int)? message}): Validator for maximum length.
pattern(RegExp pattern, {String? message}): Validator for matching a regex pattern.
combine(List<ValidatorFunction> validators): Combines multiple validators.
equality(String firstValue, String secondValue, {required String message}): Checks if two values are equal.
asyncPattern(RegExp pattern, {String? message}): Asynchronous validator for regex pattern matching.
custom({required bool Function(String? value) condition, required String message}): Custom validator based on a condition.
trimAndValidate(ValidatorFunction validator): Trims whitespace and then applies the provided validator.
dateAfter(DateTime date, {String? message}): Validator for checking if a date is after a specified date.
combineAsync(List<AsyncValidatorFunction> validators): Combines multiple asynchronous validators.
Why Use This System? #
Reusable: Once set up, you can reuse these validators across different projects.
Extensible: Easily extend and customize validators for specific use cases.
Clean Code: Encourages clean and maintainable code by abstracting validation logic.
Dart Version #
sdk: '>=2.17.0 <4.0.0'
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Issues #
Please file any issues, bugs, or feature requests as an issue on GitHub page.
Contribute #
If you would like to contribute to the plugin (e.g. by improving the documentation, solving a bug, or adding a cool new feature), please carefully review our contribution guide and send us your pull request.
Author #
This validify package is developed by Bedirhan Sağlam. You can contact me at [email protected]
License #
For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.
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