vapor-steam 1.5.7

Creator: bradpython12

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vaporsteam 1.5.7

Vapor: Steam Proton Compatibility Checker

Vapor is a Python package built on Textual which offers a simple Terminal User Interface for checking ProtonDB compatibility ratings of games in a Steam user's library. The tool seamlessly integrates Steam and ProtonDB APIs to provide insightful compatibility information.

pipx is a great tool for installing Python packages in an isolated environment. If wanting to install via pipx, just run
pipx install vapor-steam

This project can also be installed with pip normally with
pip3 install vapor-steam

Arch users can install the package from the AUR with your favorite AUR helper:
paru -S python-vapor-steam

Or manually with makepkg:
git clone && cd python-vapor-steam
makepkg -si

Quick Start

Obtain a Steam API Key: Get your Steam API key by filling out this form.
Run the Program: Run vapor with the vapor command. It can also be ran without installation, with python3 vapor/


User Library Analysis: Fetches and displays game compatibility ratings from ProtonDB for a specified Steam user.
User Average Compatibility: Calculates and presents the average game compatibility for the user's library.
Automatic Steam ID Resolution: Vapor automatically resolves the given Steam ID, so you can use either your vanity name or your 64-bit Steam ID.
Automatic Steam URL Detection: Directly paste a Steam user profile URL, like<user> or<user> into the "User ID" box and it will be detected and parsed correctly.
AreWeAntiCheatYet Integration: Integartion with Are We Anti-Cheat Yet? to show the anti-cheat compatibility status of your games.

This package is built on top of textual and aiohttp, and uses poetry to manage dependencies. To install dependencies locally, just run poetry install in the repository's directory.
Private Steam Account Error
This error occurs if your game details are set to private in your privacy settings. First, double check that you're using the correct Steam ID or vanity URL. This is different from your display name. To make sure, you can directly copy your profile URL into Vapor and your Steam ID will be extracted. Your profile URL will look like<vanity_name> or<steam_id>.
If you've double checked that your account information is correct, please complete the following steps to fix this issue:

From Steam, click the user dropdown and select "View my profile"
Click the "Edit Profile" button
Click the "Privacy Settings" tab
Set "Game details" to Public
Uncheck the Always keep my total playtime private option

Contributions are welcomed! For bug fixes, improvements, or feature requests, feel free to open an issue or pull request.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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