
Creator: coderz1093

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vector mbtiles

VectorMBTiles #
VectorMB Tiles is a Flutter plugin for working with Mapbox Vector Tiles in FlutterMap.

Features #
By extending VectorTileProvider and specifying VectorMBTiles as the argument of MemoryCacheVectorTileProvider to delegate, it can operate at high speed in memory.
Getting started #
Add the package with the following command
flutter pub add vector_mbtiles
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Usage #
refer to the following. See /example folder for details
options: VectorTileLayerOptions(
theme: Theme,
tileProviders: TileProviders({
'openmaptiles': VectorMBTilesProvider(
mbtilesPath: '/path/to/mbtiles',
maximumZoom: 18)
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