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vertex ai

Vertex AI API Client #

Unofficial Dart client for the Vertex AI API.
Features #

Generative AI

Text models
Text chat models
Text embeddings models

Matching Engine

Create and manage indexes and index endpoints
Query indexes

Generative AI #
Generative AI
support on Vertex AI (also known as genai) gives you access to Google's large
generative AI models so you can use in your AI-powered applications.
Authentication #
The VertexAIGenAIClient delegates authentication to the
googleapis_auth package.
To create an instance of VertexAIGenAIClient you need to provide an
There are several ways to obtain an AuthClient depending on your use case.
Check out the googleapis_auth
package documentation for more details.
Example using a service account JSON:
final serviceAccountCredentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(
final authClient = await clientViaServiceAccount(
final vertexAi = VertexAIGenAIClient(
authHttpClient: authClient,
project: 'your-project-id',
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The service account should have the following


The requiredOAuth2 scope
is: (you can use the constant

Text models #
PaLM API for text
is fine-tuned for language tasks such as classification, summarization, and
entity extraction.
final res = await vertexAi.text.predict(
prompt: 'What is the purpose of life?',
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Chat models #
PaLM API for chat
is fine-tuned for multi-turn chat, where the model keeps track of previous
messages in the chat and uses it as context for generating new responses.
final res = await
context: 'I want you to act as a Socrat.',
messages: const [
author: 'USER',
content: 'Is justice neccessary in a society?',
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Text embeddings #
The Text Embedding API
generates vector embeddings for input text. You can use embeddings for tasks
like semantic search, recommendation, classification, and outlier detection.
final res = await vertexAi.textEmbeddings.predict(
content: [
const VertexAITextEmbeddingsModelContent(
taskType: VertexAITextEmbeddingsModelTaskType.retrievalDocument,
title: 'The Paradox of Wisdom',
content: 'The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing',
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Matching Engine #
Vertex AI Matching Engine
provides the industry's leading high-scale low latency vector database. These
vector databases are commonly referred to as vector similarity-matching or an
approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) service.
Matching Engine provides tooling to build use cases that match semantically
similar items. More specifically, given a query item, Matching Engine finds the
most semantically similar items to it from a large corpus of candidate items.
Authentication #
The VertexAIMatchingEngineClient delegates authentication to the
googleapis_auth package.
To create an instance of VertexAIMatchingEngineClient you need to provide
an AuthClient
There are several ways to obtain an AuthClient depending on your use case.
Check out the googleapis_auth
package documentation for more details.
Example using a service account JSON:
final serviceAccountCredentials = ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(
final authClient = await clientViaServiceAccount(
final vertexAi = VertexAIMatchingEngineClient(
authHttpClient: authClient,
project: 'your-project-id',
location: 'europe-west1',
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To be able to create and manage indexes and index endpoints, the service
account should have the following permissions:


If you just want to query an index endpoint, the service account only needs:


The requiredOAuth2 scope
is: (you can use the constant

Create an index #

Generate embeddings for your data and save them to a file (see supported
formats here).
Create a Cloud Storage bucket and upload the embeddings file.
Create the index:

final operation = await marchingEngine.indexes.create(
displayName: 'test-index',
description: 'This is a test index',
metadata: const VertexAINearestNeighborSearch(
contentsDeltaUri: 'gs://bucket-name/path-to-index-dir',
config: VertexAINearestNeighborSearchConfig(
dimensions: 768,
algorithmConfig: VertexAITreeAhAlgorithmConfig(),
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To check the status of the operation:
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexes.operations.get(
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Get index information #
final index = await marchingEngine.indexes.get(id: '5086059315115065344');
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You can also list all indexes:
final indexes = await marchingEngine.indexes.list();
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Update an index #
final res = await marchingEngine.indexes.update(
id: '5086059315115065344',
metadata: const VertexAIIndexRequestMetadata(
contentsDeltaUri: 'gs://bucket-name/path-to-index-dir',
isCompleteOverwrite: true,
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Create an index endpoint #
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.create(
displayName: 'test-index-endpoint',
description: 'This is a test index endpoint',
publicEndpointEnabled: true,
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To check the status of the operation:
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.operations.get(
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Deploy an index to an index endpoint #
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.deployIndex(
indexId: '5086059315115065344',
indexEndpointId: '8572232454792807200',
deployedIndexId: 'deployment1',
deployedIndexDisplayName: 'test-deployed-index',
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You can check the status of the operation as shown above.
If you want to enable autoscaling:
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.deployIndex(
indexId: '5086059315115065344',
indexEndpointId: '8572232454792807200',
deployedIndexId: 'deployment1',
deployedIndexDisplayName: 'test-deployed-index',
automaticResources: const VertexAIAutomaticResources(
minReplicaCount: 2,
maxReplicaCount: 10,
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Get index endpoint information #
final ie = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.get(id: '8572232454792807200');
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You can also list all index endpoints:
final indexEndpoints = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.list();
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Mutate index endpoint #
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.mutateDeployedIndex(
indexEndpointId: '8572232454792807200',
deployedIndexId: 'deployment1',
automaticResources: const VertexAIAutomaticResources(
minReplicaCount: 2,
maxReplicaCount: 20,
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Undeploy an index from an index endpoint #
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.undeployIndex(
indexEndpointId: '8572232454792807200',
deployedIndexId: 'deployment1',
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Delete an index endpoint #
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexEndpoints.delete(
id: '8572232454792807200',
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Delete an index #
final operation = await marchingEngine.indexes.delete(
id: '5086059315115065344',
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Query an index using the index endpoint #
Once you've created the index, you can run queries to get its nearest neighbors.
Mind that you will need a different VertexAIMatchingEngineClient for
calling this method, as the public query endpoint has a different rootUrl
than the rest of the API (e.g.
Check the VertexAIIndexEndpoint.publicEndpointDomainName of your index
endpoint by calling VertexAIMatchingEngineClient.indexEndpoints.get. Then
create a new client setting the [VertexAIMatchingEngineClient.rootUrl] to that
value (mind that you need to add https:// to the beginning of the domain
final machineEngineQuery = VertexAIMatchingEngineClient(
authHttpClient: authClient,
project: Platform.environment['VERTEX_AI_PROJECT_ID']!,
final res = await machineEngineQuery.indexEndpoints.findNeighbors(
indexEndpointId: '8572232454792807200',
deployedIndexId: 'deployment1',
queries: const [
datapoint: VertexAIIndexDatapoint(
datapointId: 'your-datapoint-id',
featureVector: [-0.0024800552055239677, 0.011974085122346878, ...],
neighborCount: 3,
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License #
Vertex AI API Client is licensed under the MIT License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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