
Creator: coderz1093

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vit dart extensions

A Dart package providing a wide range of extension methods for various data types including int, String, DateTime, and Map. The package is designed to offer practical, easy-to-use enhancements that seamlessly integrate with your existing Dart code, facilitating more concise and readable syntax.
Summary #



Extensions #
DateTime #
formartAsReadable #
String formatAsReadable([bool showTime = true]);
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final dt = DateTime(2023, 1, 30, 13, 22);
String dateAndTime = dt.formatAsReadable(); // "30/01/2023 13:22"
String dateOnly = dt.formatAsReadable(false); // "30/01/2023"
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fromEuropean #
static DateTime fromEuropean(String value);
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Parses a string in European date format (DD/MM/YYYY).
pickRandom #
static DateTime pickRandom([DateTime? begin, DateTime? end]);
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Picks a random DateTime between two optional DateTime parameters.
If no parameters are provided, it defaults to the Unix epoch
(January 1, 1970) for the start and the current DateTime for the end.
var randomDt = DateTimeExt.pickRandom();
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Directory #
listDirectoryFiles #
Stream<File> listDirectoryFiles({
void Function(Directory directory, Object e)? onDirectoryReadError,
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This method is equivalent to dir.listSync(recursive: true).whereType<File>();, however, this code will fail if some directory cannot be read due to lack of permissions. This method on the other hand, won't.
var dir = Directory('some/path');
Stream<File> files = dir.listDirectoryFiles(
onDirectoryReadError: (Directory directory, Object error) {
// Handle directory read errors.
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Duration #
toReadable #
String toReadable({
bool millisecondsAsDecimal = false,
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Converts the duration to a readable string format.
The output is the representation of the closest greatest unit of time
in the duration along with the second greatest unit.
Duration(days: 1, hours: 3, minutes: 23, seconds: 5, milliseconds: 101).toReadable(); // '1d 3h'
Duration(hours: 3, minutes: 23, seconds: 5, milliseconds: 101).toReadable(); // '3h 23min'
Duration(minutes: 23, seconds: 5, milliseconds: 101).toReadable(); // '23min 5s'
Duration(seconds: 5).toReadable(); // '5s'
Duration(seconds: 5, milliseconds: 101).toReadable(); // '5s 101ms'
Duration(milliseconds: 101).toReadable(); // '101ms'; // '0s'
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double #
toStringAsFixedRounded #
String toStringAsFixedRounded(int places);
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When we use .toStringAsFixed(2), its possible that the resulting string has only zero in the decimal places ("3.00" for example).
This method fixes by transforming the string "3.00" in "3".
double a = 4.0;
a.toStringAsFixedRounded(2) // "4"
double b = 3.14150;
b.toStringAsFixedRounded(5); // "3.1415"
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File #
getName #
String getName([bool includeExtension = false]);
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Returns the name of the file, without any directory in the string.
var file = File('/root/directory/file.mp3');
file.getName(); // 'file'
file.getName(true); // 'file.mp3'
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int #
readableByteSize #
String readableByteSize([int decimalPlaces = 1]);
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Converts the int (assumed to be the number of bytes), to a readable string form.
500.readableByteSize(); // 500 B
1024.readableByteSize(); // 1 KB
2148.readableByteSize(); // 2.1 KB
1048576.readableByteSize(); // 1 MB
1073741824.readableByteSize(); // 1 GB
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Iterable #
chunk #
List<Iterable<T>> chunck(int size);
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Divides the iterable into a list of iterables each with a maximum length of [size].
If the original iterable's length is less than or equal to [size],
a single chunk containing all elements will be returned.
The method throws a [ArgumentError] if [size] is less than or equal to 0.
final numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
final chunks = numbers.chunck(2);
print(chunks); // ([1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6])
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firstWhereOrNull #
T? firstWhereOrNull(bool Function(T item) filter);
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Finds the first element in the list that satisfies the given [filter] function.
Iterates through each element of the list, applying [filter] to each element.
Returns the first element for which [filter] returns true. If no element satisfies
the [filter], returns null.


[filter]: A function that takes an item of type [T] as an argument and
returns a [bool]. It should return true for an item that matches the
criteria and false otherwise.

Returns: The first element of type [T] that satisfies the provided [filter]
function. Returns null if no element satisfies the [filter] function.

List<String> names = ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Tom'];
String? firstNameStartingWithA = names.firstWhereOrNull((name) => name.startsWith('A'));
print(firstNameStartingWithA); // Output: Alice
// If no name starts with 'A', null will be printed instead.
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separatedBy #
List<T> separatedBy(T separator);
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Creates a new list from the iterable by interspersing a given [separator] between each element.
If the iterable contains less than two elements, the original iterable is returned as a list.
final letters = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
final spacedLetters = letters.separatedBy('-');
print(spacedLetters); // ['a', '-', 'b', '-', 'c']
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pickRandom #
T pickRandom();
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Picks an item at a random index.
Iterable<String> names = ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Tom', 'Fiona'];
names.pickRandom(); // 'Bob' or 'Alice' or 'Tom' or 'Fiona'
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removeIndices #
List<T> removeIndices(Set<int> indices);
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Removes the items in the given indexes.
This function creates a new list and does not change the original
Iterable<String> names = ['Bob', 'Alice', 'Tom', 'Fiona'];
Iterable<String> filtered = names.removeIndices({1,3}); // ('Bob', 'Tom')
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List #
prettyJSON #
String get prettyJSON
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Converts the list to a indented JSON string.
This method uses a [JsonEncoder] with an indentation of four spaces to format
the JSON string for readability.
A string representing the JSON-encoded version of the list, formatted with indentation for easier reading.
final list = [{'name': 'John Doe', 'age': 30}, {'name': 'Jane Doe', 'age': 27}];
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30
"name": "Jane Doe",
"age": 27
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sortByDate #
void sortByDate(DateTime Function(T item) getter, [bool asc = true]);
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Sorts the list by the given date of each item.
sortByNum #
void sortByNum(num Function(T item) getter, [bool asc = true]);
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Sorts the list by the given number of each item.
sortByNumericString #
void sortByNumericString(
String Function(T item) getter, {
bool asc = true,
bool appendNonNumbersAtEnd = true,
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Sorts the list assuming the extracted string is a number.
If [appendNonNumbersAtEnd] is true, then the items that are not a valid
number are appended at the end of the numberic items. Otherwise, they
are inserted at the begining of the list.
sortByString #
void sortByString(String Function(T item) getter, [bool asc = true]);
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Sorts the list by the given string of each item.
Map<String, dynamic> #
tryGetDateTime #
DateTime? tryGetDateTime(String key);
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Reads a value from the Map and returns it as a DateTime, if possible.

If the value is a DateTime, then this value is returned;
If the value is a String, then it tries to parse it;
If none of the criteria before is meet, null is returned.

This method is meant to simplify this code:
Map<String, dynamic> json = { ... };
String? isoString = json['timestamp'];
DateTime? dt = null;
if (isoString != null) {
dt = DateTime.tryParse(isoString);
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Which becomes more simpler:
Map<String, dynamic> json = { ... };
DateTime? dt = json.tryGetDateTime('timestamp')
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getDateTime #
DateTime getDateTime(String key);
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Reads the value from the given key, and process it to returns a DateTime.

If the value is a DateTime, then this value is returned;
If the value is a String, then it tries to parse it;
If none of the criteria before is meet, a FormatException is thrown.

This method is meant to simplify this code:
Map<String, dynamic> json = { ... };
dynamic isoString = json['timestamp'];
DateTime dt = iso is String ? DateTime.parse(isoString) : isoString;
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Which becomes more simpler:
Map<String, dynamic> json = { ... };
DateTime dt = json.getDateTime('timestamp')
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getDouble #
double getDouble(String key);
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Retrieves a value from the map by the provided [key] and converts it to
a double.
This method uses [tryGetDouble] to attempt conversion. If the conversion
fails and the value is null, it throws a [FormatException].
var map = {'a': 1, 'b': '2.5', 'c': 'three'};
print(map.getDouble('a')); // 1.0
print(map.getDouble('b')); // 2.5
print(map.getDouble('c')); // throws FormatException
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tryGetDouble #
double? tryGetDouble(String key);
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Tries to retrieve a value from the map by the provided [key] and convert
it to a double.
The method checks the type of the value associated with the [key] in the
following order:

If the value is already a double, it is returned as is.
If the value is an int, it is converted to double and returned.
If the value is a String, the method tries to parse it as a double.

If the value cannot be converted to double, the method returns null.
var map = {'a': 1, 'b': '2.5', 'c': 'three'};
print(map.tryGetDouble('a')); // 1.0
print(map.tryGetDouble('b')); // 2.5
print(map.tryGetDouble('c')); // null
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getList #
List<T> getList<T>(String key, T? Function(dynamic item) parser);
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Tries to retrieve a value from the map by the provided [key] and convert
it to a list of type [T].
The method expects the value associated with the [key] to be a list. It
uses the provided [parser] function to convert each item in the list to
type [T].
If the value is not a list, the method returns a empty list.
var map = {
'ints': [1, 2, 3],
'strings': ['a', 'b', 'c'],
'mixed': [null, '2', 3.0],
'notArray': 12,
print(map.tryGetList<int>('ints', (x) => x as int?)); // [1, 2, 3]
print(map.tryGetList<String>('strings', (x) => x as String?)); // ['a', 'b', 'c']
print(map.tryGetList<double>('mixed', (x) => double.tryParse(x.toString()))); // [2.0, 3.0]
print(map.getList<String>('notArray', (x) => x as String)); // []
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prettyJSON #
String get prettyJSON
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Returns a string in JSON format with identation.
Map<String, dynamic> map = {
'name': 'Vinícius',
'enabled': true,
// "{
// "name": "Vinícius",
// "enabled": true
// }"

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String #
toMaybeDate #
DateTime? toMaybeDate();
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Converts strings in ISO-8601 or DD/MM/(YYYY|YY)[ HH:mm] formats to a DateTime object.
The returned DateTime object does not take hours, minutes, or seconds into account.
Returns null if the string cannot be parsed into a valid date.
String isoDateString = "2022-01-01";
String brDateString = "01/01/2022";
print(isoDateString.toMaybeDate()); // Outputs: 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
print(brDateString.toMaybeDate()); // Outputs: 2022-01-01 00:00:00.000
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insertAt #
String insertAt(int i, String value);
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Inserts a given string [value] into the current string at the specified index [i].
Returns a new string with the value inserted.
String originalString = "HelloWorld";
print(originalString.insertAt(5, " ")); // Outputs: "Hello World"
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isEmail #
bool get isEmail;
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Checks if the current string is a valid email address.
Returns true if the string matches the email pattern, otherwise false.
String email = "[email protected]";
String nonEmail = "notAnEmail";
print(email.isEmail); // Outputs: true
print(nonEmail.isEmail); // Outputs: false
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hasUpperCase #
bool get hasUpperCase;
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Checks if the string contains at least one uppercase letter.
This getter considers not only English uppercase letters but also
uppercase accented letters commonly used in the Brazilian Portuguese
language, such as Á, À, Â, Ã, É, Ê, Í, Ó, Ô, Õ, Ú, and Ç.
String text1 = 'Hello world';
print(text1.hasUpperCase); // Output: true

String text2 = 'hello world';
print(text2.hasUpperCase); // Output: false
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hasLowerCase #
bool get hasLowerCase;
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Checks if the string contains at least one lowercase letter.
This getter considers not only English lowercase letters but also
lowercase accented letters commonly used in the Brazilian Portuguese
language, such as á, à, â, ã, é, ê, í, ó, ô, õ, ú, and ç.
String text1 = 'Hello world';
print(text1.hasLowerCase); // Output: true
String text2 = 'HELLO WORLD';
print(text2.hasLowerCase); // Output: false
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hasNumber #
bool get hasNumber;
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Checks if the string contains at least one digit.
String text1 = 'Hello123';
print(text1.hasNumber); // Output: true

String text2 = 'Hello';
print(text2.hasNumber); // Output: false
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hasSymbol #
bool get hasSymbol;
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Checks if the string contains at least one special symbol.
This getter looks for common special symbols such as !, @, #, $, %, ^,
&, *, (, ), ,, ., ?, ", :, {, }, |, <, and >.
String text1 = 'Hello@World';
print(text1.hasSymbol); // Output: true

String text2 = 'HelloWorld';
print(text2.hasSymbol); // Output: false
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hasLengthBetween #
bool hasLengthBetween(int min, int max)
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Checks if the length of the string is between the specified minimum and
maximum values, inclusive.

min: The minimum length of the string.
max: The maximum length of the string.

Returns true if the length of the string is within the specified range,
otherwise returns false.
String text = 'Hello';
print(text.hasLengthBetween(3, 6)); // Output: true

print(text.hasLengthBetween(6, 10)); // Output: false
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getInitials #
String getInitials({
int initialsCount = 2,
String joinString = '',
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Returns the initials of each word of a string.
This function takes a string and returns its initials, up to a specified
number of initials. By default, it returns the first two initials without
any separator.
var name = 'John Doe';
print(name.getInitials()); // 'JD'
print(name.getInitials(initialsCount: 1)); // 'J'
print(name.getInitials(joinString: '.')); // 'J.D'
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initialsCount (int): The maximum number of initials to return.
Defaults to 2.
joinString (String): The string to use to join the initials.
Defaults to '' (no separator).

A string containing the initials.
toTitleCase #
String toTitleCase([bool Function(String word)? wordIgnorer]);
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Converts each word in the string to title case, where the first letter is
capitalized and the remainder of the word is in lowercase, except for
words specified by the [wordIgnorer] function.
'hello world'.toTitleCase(); // 'Hello World'
'hora de sair'.toTitleCase((word) => word == 'de'); // 'Hora de Sair'
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toSimple #
String toSimple();
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Converts a string into a form that is easy to compare to other string
This is useful for sorting lists based on a string.
Here are what is done:

Converts all characters to lower case;
Remove accentuation from characters;


"Açucar" -> "acucar"


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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