V2Mp3 0.2.0

Creator: bradpython12

Last updated:

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V2Mp3 0.2.0


V2Mp3 is a simple, compact video-to-audio conversion tool with built-in YouTube video/audio download functionality.

Convert locally stored video files (of any file-format supported by ffmpeg) to .mp3 audio.

A few of these formats include:

many others.

Download YouTube videos as .mp4 files.

Download YouTube audio as .mp3 files.

Using pip

Easiest method. Highly recommended over manual installation.

Run the following to install using pip:
pip install V2Mp3

You should now be able to import/run V2Mp3 within your python environment by entering the following:
>>> from V2Mp3 import v2mp3
>>> v2mp3() # open program window.


Manual Installation

Not recommended.

Start by doing one of two things:

A. Download source code *.zip archive from the V2Mp3 GitHub repo "releases" tab, and extract the contents to your desired installation directory.
B. Clone the repo with the git client of your choice by entering the following command:

git clone https://github.com/schlopp96/V2Mp3/releases/latest/

Navigate to directory containing extracted contents, and open said directory within a terminal.

Install all dependencies for this package by entering the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Move the V2Mp3-vx.x.x directory to your global Python 3rd-party package installation directory to be able to import V2Mp3 like any other module:


You should now be able to import/run V2Mp3 within your python environment by entering the following:

>>> from V2Mp3 import v2mp3
>>> v2mp3() # open program window.



Using V2Mp3 is generally straightforward, with directions and tooltips built in to the GUI describing what to do if you're confused.

You can quickly start V2Mp3 using this simple CLI command:


Other ways to start V2Mp3 include:

Entering python -m V2Mp3 in a terminal.
Importing V2Mp3 in a python environment and calling V2Mp3.v2mp3() from within that environment (as illustrated above).
Opening "~/V2Mp3/main.pyw" from a file explorer.

First Containing Frame

Home to the YouTube download section
Enter your desired YouTube video's URL address in the input field.

Also works with YouTube Music addresses.

Choose whether to download the video as normal, or just the audio from the video.
Once ready, click the "Download" button to begin.
You can find your downloaded videos within the V2Mp3 installation directory:


Second Containing Frame

Contains the section for conversion of your local video files.
Use the "Browse" button to choose a video file you wish to convert to audio.
Once you've chosen a video, click the "Convert File" button at the bottom of the first frame.
The text output window at the bottom of the application window will display whether or not the conversion was successful.
Newly converted .mp3 audio files can be found within the V2Mp3 installation directory:


Quick Look at V2Mp3

Coming Soon

*.exe program build so that a Python env isn't necessary to run V2Mp3.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns that cannot be addressed through the project's GitHub repository, please feel free to contact me through my email address:



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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