
Creator: bradpython12

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Katsuhiro Ogikubo


wallpaper optimizer is a program that best to deploy the wallpaper in a multi-monitor use below.
The features and mode of operation of the following, it works on Linux.

Operating environment

I try at the desktop of the following

Unity (GNOME3)
GNOME shell (GNOME3)

I try in the following distributions

CentOS 6.3
Ubuntu12.04 LTS
Linux mint 14
Linux mint 17
Xubuntu (Ubuntu12.10)
Lubuntu (Ubuntu12.10)
Ubuntu GNOME shell Remix 12.10

Operation mode

By specifying the various parameters from console to create and set wallpapers
In console below, change the wallpaper at a specified time every
As a GNOME applet to be placed in the GNOME panel behavior (GNOME2)
operation of the application as an indicator (GNOME3, Xfce4, LXDE)


Specify two image, you can perform optimal placement of image size and monitor size
The left and right separately for each monitor can arrange the images to the monitor, I can be specified on the written-down approach and the like (left and right)
(For example placement partitioning of widgets) that you can specify the margin from the monitor end
You can change from the panel on the On / Off changer (only GNOME2)
Wallpaper setting can work with one specification image 1

In addition, the following functions are not be implemented.
* The rotation of the monitor, if you are using a vertical
* Help in applet mode

2. Installation
$ sudo pip install wallpaperoptimzer

3. Uninstall
$ sudo pip uninstall wallpaperoptimzer

4. Deployment directory

Please see the setup.py.

At run time, I will create a log file of $HOME/.local/share/wallpaperoptimzer.
wallpaper file (For example, if you do not specify a save file name), It will be created in the $HOME/.local/share/wallpaperoptimzer.

5. Starting

5.1 Execution example from Console

In advance, please install the file with $HOME/.local/share/wallpaperoptimzer/.walloptrc.
If you do not plan to install, argument - designation of “1920x1080, 1280x1024 display” is required.

$ wallpaperoptimizer 2560x1920.jpg 1500x844.jpg -C

1920x1080, left, ~/Wallpaper/1920/
1280x1024, right, ~/Wallpaper/1280/

5.2 Wallpaper Changer run example from Console
$ wallpaperoptimizer -D -i 3600 &

5.3 Running as GNOME applet

Right-click in any place of the GNOME panel, select “Add to Panel”.
Select “Wallpaperoptimizer Applet”.

5.4 Running as App Indicator

Depending on the path that has been installed, please proceed as follows:.

$ /usr/local/bin/wallpaperoptimiz &

$ /usr/bin/wallpaperoptimiz &

6. How to use

6.1. Console

Refer to the Help.

$ wallpaperoptimizer -h

6.2. Applet / Indicator app

Button located in the main window to be started first will be the image that was placed to the left and right monitor.
It becomes the specification for the entire workspace for margin.
In addition, buttons arranged in the bottom of the main window is the operation buttons. You may not take effect until you do not do it by setting button.

7. Development environment

Linux mint17


likely associated … deb


8. License


9. Use library

The Python Imaging Library is:
Copyright © 1997-2005 by Secret Labs AB
Copyright © 1995-2005 by Fredrik Lundh

10. Change history

v0.9.0.0 (2014.09.26) 0.9 release

Support for Xfce4(4.10.1)

v0.8.2.0 (2014.04.07) 0.8 release

Fixed a bug xfconf-query setting Xinerama-stretch

v0.8.1.0 (2013.08.10) 0.8 release

registerd PyPI

v0.8.0.0 (2013.04.6) 0.8 release

Support for Xfce4, LXDE
Create a new icon
Included with the desktop file

v0.7.0.1 (2013.02.12) 0.7 release

Conducted internal change about the program structure

v0.6.0.0 (2013.02.12) 0.6 release

GNOME3 desktop (Corresponding to the Ubuntu Unity)
Fixed a bug in the package distribution
Modifying configuration button behavior around

v0.5.0.0 (2012.10.7) 0.5 release

Reduction in consideration of the case margin of the same size is not carried out, I fix the problem impossible to make margin

v0.4.0.0 (2012.8.6) 0.4 release

When specifying only one screen, the improvement was the action to be suddenly wallpaper of various settings can not be.

v0.3.0.0 (2012.7.9) 0.3 No release

The transition to development in python2.6 under
Support for x86_64 installation (/usr/lib64/…)

v0.2.0.0 (2012.2.1) release

first edition (Human Sacrifice version)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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