
Creator: coderz1093

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weather manager

Weather Manager Package #
A Dart package for fetching current and forecasted weather data using the OpenWeather API.
Features #

Retrieve current weather data by latitude and longitude.
Retrieve hourly weather forecast for up to 5 days.

Installation #
Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:
weather_manager: ^1.0.0
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Then, run flutter pub get to install the package.
Usage #
Import the package #
import 'package:weather_manager/weather_manager.dart';
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Initialize WeatherMan #
Create an instance of WeatherMan with your OpenWeather API key:
void main() async {
WeatherMan weatherMan = WeatherMan(apiKey: 'your_api_key_here');

// Get hourly weather forecast for 5 days every 3 hours
final hourlyWeatherForecast = await weatherMan.getHourlyForecast(lat: 26.9287, long: 80.9335);

// Get current weather forecast
final currentWeather = await weatherMan.getCurrentWeatherByLatLong(lat: 26.9287, long: 80.9335);

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Example #
Below is a complete example demonstrating how to use the WeatherMan class to fetch weather data:
import 'package:weather_manager/weather_manager.dart';

void main() async {
WeatherMan weatherMan = WeatherMan(apiKey: 'your_api_key_here');

// Get hourly weather forecast for 5 days every 3 hours
final hourlyWeatherForecast = await weatherMan.getHourlyForecast(lat: 26.9287, long: 80.9335);

// Get current weather forecast
final currentWeather = await weatherMan.getCurrentWeatherByLatLong(lat: 26.9287, long: 80.9335);

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CurrentWeatherResponse #
Represents the current weather data response. Includes information such as:

Geographical coordinates
Weather condition
Wind speed
Cloud cover
Sunrise and sunset times
City name and country code

ForecastWeatherResponse #
Represents the forecasted weather data response. Includes information such as:

Geographical coordinates
Number of data points
Weather data for each point
Sunrise and sunset times
City name and country code
Timezone offset

License #
This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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