
Creator: coderz1093

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A command-line tool for developing and deploying web applications with Dart.
Requirements #
The latest release of webdev requires Dart SDK 2.18.0 or later.
To use webdev with a package, make sure you have entries in pubspec.yaml
similar to:
build_runner: ^2.4.0
build_web_compilers: ^4.0.4
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Installation #
webdev is not meant to be used as a dependency. Instead, it should be
$ dart pub global activate webdev
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Learn more about activating and using packages here.
Usage #
webdev provides two commands: serve and build.
webdev serve #
Run a local web development server and a file system watcher that rebuilds on

Usage: webdev serve [arguments] [<directory>[:<port>]]...
--auto Automatically performs an action
after each build:

restart: Reload modules and re-invoke
main (loses current state)
refresh: Performs a full page
[restart, refresh]
--[no-]debug Enable the launching of DevTools (Alt
+ D / Option + D). This also enables
--[no-]debug-extension Enable the backend for the Dart Debug
--[no-]injected-client Whether or not to inject the
client.js script in web apps. This is
required for all debugging related
features, but may interact poorly
with proxy servers or other
(defaults to on)

--chrome-debug-port Specify which port the Chrome
debugger is listening on. If used
with launch-in-chrome Chrome will be
started with the debugger listening
on this port.
--hostname Specify the hostname to serve on.
(defaults to "localhost")
--[no-]launch-in-chrome Automatically launches your
application in Chrome with the debug
port open. Use chrome-debug-port to
specify a specific port to attach to
an already running chrome instance
--user-data-dir Use with launch-in-chrome to specify
user data directory to pass to
chrome. Will start chrome window
logged into default profile with
enabled extensions. Use `auto` as a
value to infer the default directory
for the current OS. Note: only
supported for Mac OS X and linux
--log-requests Enables logging for each request to
the server.
--tls-cert-chain The file location to a TLS
Certificate to create an HTTPs
Must be used with tls-cert-key.
--tls-cert-key The file location to a TLS Key to
create an HTTPs server.
Must be used with tls-cert-chain.

-h, --help Print this usage information.
-o, --output A directory to write the result of a
build to. Or a mapping from a
top-level directory in the package to
the directory to write a filtered
build output to. For example
A value of "NONE" indicates that no
"--output" value should be passed to
(defaults to "NONE")
-r, --[no-]release Build with release mode defaults for
--[no-]build-web-compilers If a dependency on
`build_web_compilers` is required to
(defaults to on)
-e, --[no-]enable-expression-evaluation Enable expression evaluation features
in the debugger.
(defaults to on)
-v, --verbose Enables verbose logging.

Run "webdev help" to see global options.

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webdev build #
Run builders to build a package.

Usage: webdev build [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-o, --output A directory to write the result of a
build to. Or a mapping from a
top-level directory in the package to
the directory to write a filtered
build output to. For example
A value of "NONE" indicates that no
"--output" value should be passed to
(defaults to "web:build")
-r, --[no-]release Build with release mode defaults for
(defaults to on)
--[no-]build-web-compilers If a dependency on
`build_web_compilers` is required to
(defaults to on)
-e, --[no-]enable-expression-evaluation Enable expression evaluation features
in the debugger.
(defaults to on)
-v, --verbose Enables verbose logging.

Run "webdev help" to see global options.

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For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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