webkin 1.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

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webkin 1.0.3

webkin======|GitHub license| webkin lets you send webpages to your kindle device through terminal. Note : Python3+ only.Installation :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``pip install webkin``|asciicast|Avilable commands :~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To parse URL and send it to your kindle email id.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^``webkin --url``To change the default directory.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^``webkin --url=<url> --path=</path/to/your/place>`` Example :``webkin -u=https://medium.com/@mrkaran/my-development-setup-7e767d33fc41 --verbose``.. figure:: http://i.imgur.com/aeIzhPQ.jpg :alt: img imgPre Installation~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~``webkin`` depends on calibre CLI tools and uses ``ebook-convert`` toconvert ``html`` to ``mobi`` format. Please ensure that you have Calibreinstalled alongwith CLI tools and ``ebook-convert`` is present in yourPATH. For OSX users, you don't need to do anything besides `installingCalibre <http://calibre-ebook.com/download_osx>`__. I have tested it onUbuntu 16.04 fresh VM and after installing Calibre, it worked fine. Ifyou install using `this <http://calibre-ebook.com/download_linux>`__method, you need to manually add ``ebook-convert`` to your path, whileif you install it from PPA, it's automatically in your PATH.:: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/calibre2 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install calibre`Source <http://askubuntu.com/questions/338172/how-to-install-calibre-on-ubuntu-12-04>`__First Time Setup~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~You need to export tokens to add your ``Amazon Email Address`` (shouldbe present in your `Approved Personal Document EmailList <https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=2019742>`__), ``Kindle Email Address``, ``Mercury Web Parser API Key``,\ ``SMTP Hostname and SMTP Port``. The first time setup will guide youon how to do that.- To obtain your Mercury Web API key, signup `here <https://mercury.postlight.com/web-parser/>`__- If you're using GMail, you need to add ``smtp.gmail.com`` as your ``SMTP_Host_NAME`` while the default port is ``587`` so you can skip adding that. If you're using any other email provider, you can find a comprehensive list over `here <https://www.arclab.com/en/kb/email/list-of-smtp-and-pop3-servers-mailserver-list.html>`__ and add accordingly- If you're using GMail and have turned on 2FA (which you must absolutely), you rather need to add an Application Password instead of your email password. Set a new one over `here <https://security.google.com/settings/security/apppasswords>`__Credits-------- `calibre <http://calibre-ebook.com/>`__- `Mercury Web Parser <https://mercury.postlight.com/web-parser/>`__- [@sathyabhat](https://github.com/SathyaBhat/spotify-dl/blob/master/spotify\_dl/scaffold.py) for his clean implementation of fetching tokens in a CLI program, which I have shamlelessly adapted for webkin.Contributing------------Feel free to report any issues and/or send PRs for additional features.Why ?-----Well, there are a couple of tools to already do this task, but Icouldn't find any Open source tool which does it. Though Kindle uses a``MOBI`` format which itself is closed source, I found the need of a CLIapplication to automate this boring task for me. If you're looking for atool to do this but don't wanna use a terminal, you can also take a lookat`this <https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/send-to-kindle-for-google/cgdjpilhipecahhcilnafpblkieebhea?hl=en>`__chrome extension. I like my stuff in the Terminal so I did it :)License~~~~~~~ MIT © Karan Sharma `LICENSE included here <LICENSE>`__.. |GitHub license| image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg :target: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mr-karan/webkin/master/LICENSE.. |asciicast| image:: https://asciinema.org/a/101549.png :target: https://asciinema.org/a/101549


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