
Creator: coderz1093

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weblate sdk

weblate_sdk #
Unofficial SDK to use Weblate service for a Web-based continuous
Check Weblate documentation for more details.
Getting Started #
Add package and localization support to your pubspec.yaml:
weblate_sdk: latest
sdk: flutter
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Add initialization to your main function:
await WebLateSdk.initialize(
token: 'your token',
host: 'your host',
projectName: 'name of project',
componentName: 'name of component',
defaultLanguage: 'en',
disableCache: false, //optional
cacheLive: const Duration(days: 1), //optional
fallbackJson: 'assets/default.json', //optional
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Android Setup
Increase minSdk version in build.gradle to 19 at least.
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 19
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Parameters description:
token - your project token. You can create project in WebLate project API access settings
and set at least Languages permission for token;
host - your WebLate host url;

Note: host should be with https:// (for example: https://weblate.company.link

projectName - your WebLate project name;
componentName - your project component name;
defaultLanguage - default language to use if key for current language not found.

If translation not found for current language
then translation for defaultLanguage will be used instead

disableCache - disable or enable caching. By default cache
disabled on debug and enabled on release;
cacheLive - cache live time. By default 2 hours;
fallbackTranslations - fallback translations file.
This used in case when SDK not initialized properly
or when user runs app without internet connection and cached translations;
Add localization to MaterialApp:
supportedLocales: WebLateSdk.supportedLocales,
localizationsDelegates: [
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Use localized strings in your code:
Optionally you can use translations formatting:
context.localizedValueOf('key', format: ['John Doe', ...]);

Note: To use formatting parts to replace should be highlighted with { and }.
For example: 'Welcome {username}!'

Note: Do not forgot to add internet permissions for you platforms

##Web support
Please read about CORS and make sure that CORS setup properly.
##Hae a suggestion or found a bug?
Have a suggestion or found a bug? Please let us
know HERE.


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