
Creator: coderz1093

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web3mq dapp connect

QuickStart #

Dart SDK: “>=2.18.5 <4.0.0”
A Web3MQ API Key

Add dependency #
Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file, use the latestversion
web3mq: 0.1.0
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You should then run flutter packages get
Initial the SDK #
For an API-key, see
detail: https://docs.web3mq.com/docs/Web3MQ-API/dapp/create_dapp/
final client = DappConnectClient(
baseURL: TestnetEndpoint.sg1,
// make the real connection.
await client.connectUser();
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You can customize the baseURL, which is set to TestnetEndpoint.sg1 by default, or
use UtilsApi().findTheLowestLatencyEndpoint() to get the endpoint with the lowest latency and
assign it to baseURL.
Session management #
Session is a object which contains the information of a connection between dapp and wallet. It
contains a topic which
is a unique identifier of a session. You can use it to send request to wallet.
Session management is enabled by default. It means that the SDK will automatically cache every
infomation on session
such as requests and response. You can get the session list by calling client.sessions. You can
clear all the sessions
by calling client.cleanup(), or just remove a session by calling client.deleteSession(topic).
For Wallet #
Receiving Session proposal #
// 1. register a session proposal subsciber
client.sessionProposalStream.listen((proposal) {
// 1.you should present a model to show that proposal, and user can
// choose approve or reject.

// 2. in case approve. you should prepare your `SessionNamespaces` which is
// the namespaces your wallet supports.
try await client.approveSessionProposal(proposal.id, sessionNamespaces);

// 3. in case reject.
try await client.rejectSessionProposal(proposal.id);


// when receives a deeplink
final uri = DappConnectURI(string: urlString);
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Receiving Request #
dappConnectClient.requestStream.listen((request) {
// handle the request
switch (request.method) {
case 'personal_sign':
// as a sign request, the params should be a string array
// which presents [message, address, password]
final params = request.params;
// call your sign function and get the signature
final signature = yourSign(params);
// then send response
dappConnectClient.sendSuccessResponse(request, signature);
// or error
request, 50001, 'some error message');
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Sending response #
// for error.
await client.sendErrorResponse(request, code, message);
// for success.
await client.sendSuccessResponse(request, result);
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For Dapp #
Sending Session Proposal #
Before you can send request to the wallet, you need to offer a SessionProposal to the wallet by
calling this:
try {
final session = await dappConnectClient.connectWallet(requiredNamespaces);
} on DappConnectError {
// handle timeout error
} on RPCError {
// handle rpc error
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Above code will generates a SessionProposal (which supports CAIPs ) and send it to a wallet via
deepLink. If wallet
approved the proposal, the function returns with a Session object, otherwise throws RPCError
which contains a error
code and message. If wallet side did nothing for 3 minutes, the function throws a TimeoutError.
Session List #
final sessions = await client.sessions;
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Sending Request #
// 1. prepare your request content, could be any obejct which inherits `Codable`
final params = "just a string";
final method = "a method name";

// get the topic from `session.topic` and send the request
await client.sendRequest(session.topic, method, params);
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Receiving Response #
try {
final response = await client.sendRequest(session.topic, method, params);
} on DappConnectError {
// handle timeout error
} on RPCError {
// handle rpc error
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Personal_sign #
we provider a convince function for personal_sign , so you can easily get the signature.
do {
final signature = await client.personalSign(message, address, topic);
} on DappConnectError {
// handle timeout error
} on RPCError {
// handle rpc error
} catch(e) {
// handle unknown error
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