
Creator: coderz1093

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weipl checkout flutter

Flutter plugin for Worldline ePayments India Mobile SDKs #
This is official Flutter plugin to integrate Worldline ePayments India Checkout.

Getting Started #
The following documentation is only focused on the wrapper around our native Android and iOS SDKs.
Installation #
This plugin is available on Pub: https://pub.dev/packages/weipl_checkout_flutter
Add this to dependencies in your app's pubspec.yaml
weipl_checkout_flutter: ^1.0.7
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Note for Android: Make sure that the minimum API level for your app is 21 or higher.
Note for iOS: Make sure that the minimum deployment target for your app is iOS 12.0 or higher.
Run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app.
Usage #
Sample code to integrate can be found in example/lib/main.dart.
Import package
import 'package:weipl_checkout_flutter/weipl_checkout_flutter.dart';
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Create Flutter Plugin instance
WeiplCheckoutFlutter wlCheckoutFlutter = WeiplCheckoutFlutter();
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Attach event listeners
The plugin uses event-based communication, and emits events when payment fails or succeeds.
The event names are exposed via the constants wlResponse from plugin class.
Use the on(String event, Function handler) method on the WeiplCheckoutFlutter instance to attach event listeners.

wlCheckoutFlutter.on(WeiplCheckoutFlutter.wlResponse, handleResponse);
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The handlers would be defined somewhere as

void handleResponse(Map<dynamic, dynamic> response) {
// Do something when payment succeeds

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Setup options
var options = {
"features": {
"enableAbortResponse": true,
"enableExpressPay": true,
"enableInstrumentDeRegistration": true,
"enableMerTxnDetails": true,
"consumerData": {
"deviceId": "iOSSH2", //supported values "ANDROIDSH1" or "ANDROIDSH2" for Android, supported values "iOSSH1" or "iOSSH2" for iOS and supported values
"paymentMode": "all",
"https://www.paynimo.com/CompanyDocs/company-logo-vertical.png", //provided merchant logo will be displayed
"merchantId": "L3348",
"currency": "INR",
"consumerId": "c964634",
"consumerMobileNo": "9876543210",
"consumerEmailId": "test@test.com",
"1684835158539", //Unique merchant transaction ID
"items": [
{"itemId": "first", "amount": "10", "comAmt": "0"}
"customStyle": {
"#45beaa", //merchant primary color code
"#FFFFFF", //provide merchant"s suitable color code
"#2d8c8c", //merchant"s button background color code
"#FFFFFF" //provide merchant"s suitable color code for button text
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Change the options accordingly. All options for Android and iOS are available on respective links.
Open Checkout
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Response Handling #
Please refer detailed response handling & HASH match logic explaination for Android and iOS.
Note: HASH Match logic should always be performed on server side only.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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