
Creator: coderz1093

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weirdgets #
XPEHO Mobile weird Flutter widgets library
Summary #
Available weirdgets


Available weirdgets #
Diagonal #
Borred to always organize your widgets with rows and columns ?
Try the Diagonal ! A new funny way to show a widget list.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Diagonal(
children: [
// Choose between 4 directions (bottomRight, bottomLeft, topLeft, topRight)
direction: DiagonalDirection.bottomRight,
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Multiggle #
2 positions are not enough ? Good news ! We made a weirdget for you.
Try the Multiggle, a toggle but with more than 2 positions.

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {

// Create a controller if you want to... control your Multiggle
final MultiggleController _multiggleController = MultiggleController();


Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Multiggle(
// add the controller here
controller: _multiggleController,
// specify how much position your Multiggle should provide
count: 42,
// 0 is the first position
initialPosition: 0,
// position changed callback
onPositionChanged: (position) {
// Theming colors
backgroundColor: Colors.greenAccent,
borderColor: Colors.white,


_changePosition(int newPosition) {
// Setup position from code


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Troggle #
Sometimes we would like to say maybe instead of yes or no. That's why we created the Troggle.
The Troggle is a Toggle with a third position. Then, you can choose between, 'yes', 'no' and 'maybe'. Feel free to tell that you're not decided !

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Troggle(
width: 42,
height: 42,
quarterTurns: 1,
onPositionChanged: (trogglePosition) {
// yes, no, maybe
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JaimPaMaggle #
Tired of posing ? Just add this widget and... snap !
Oh ! A picture appears... Enjoy your better selfie ! I guess.. or not...

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return JaimPaMaggle(
label: 'Cheeeeeese',
// If your device has multiple cameras
showCameraSelection: true,
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RevertedTextField #
Accessibility is a real concern. That's why we made the RevertedTextField for everyone who writes from right to left. Because you should be able to create Flutter apps too, even if you use the alphabet with a mirror glass.

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RevertedTexfield();
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UpsideDownTextField #
Again, we want everyone can use Flutter. So we also thought about our developper friends who works upside down in the south hemisphere. We made the UpsideDownTextField for you ! You will now be able to write text without neck pain or torticollis

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return UpsideDownTexfield();
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RadioButton #
Good news Flutter community ! We finally fixed the RadioButton widget. Since the beginning of the Flutter SDK publication, the RadioButton was not working well... Because it was not playing any radio. What a pity...
That's now fixed !
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return RadioButton(
radios: {
"MyFMradio": "http://radioURL",
"MyAMradio": "https://radioURL",
"MyOtherRadio": "http://radioURL",
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ValidationsButton #
Afraid about the miss click ? Use the ValidationsButton !
This widget provides you a way to have multiple confirmations to prevent from a choice that user is not really making

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return ValidationsButton(
validationMessages: const [
"Is it a miss click ?",
"Are you sure ?",
"You should think about it again",
"No, please don't do it",
"ok, but maybe you should think about it again",
"If you confirm, cancel will not be available",
"Once again",
"So close",
"Last chance !",
onValidation: () {
// We a sure that the user is... sure and confirm his choice
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FirstAprilFish #
April fool ! As some clue could suggest, this whole library is a joke for sure. But we've created a last weirdget if you want to take a picture with the april fish on it. Enjoy !
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FirstAprilFish(
label: 'FirstAprilFish',
showCameraSelection: true,
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Requirements #
iOS & macOS security requirements #
By default you can't load http urls on iOS and macOS. To avoid this restriction you must edit your .plist and add:
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macOS outgoing connections #
By default, Flutter macOS apps don't allow outgoing connections, so you can't play audio streams from the internet.
To avoid this problem, add these lines to the .entitlements files of your macOS app
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Android security requirements #
By default, you can't load http urls on android. To avoid this restriction you must add these lines to the AndroidManifest.xml file located in android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
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