wexpect 4.0.0

Creator: bradpython12

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wexpect 4.0.0


Wexpect is a Windows variant of pexpect.
Pexpect is a Python module for spawning child applications and controlling
them automatically.
You need wexpect if...

you want to control any windows console application from python script.
you want to write test-automation script for a windows console application.
you want to automate your job by controlling multiple application parallel, synchoronusly.

pip install wexpect

To interract with a child process use spawn method:
import wexpect
child = wexpect.spawn('cmd.exe')

For more information see examples folder.

Refactor has been finished!!! The default spawn class is SpawnPipe from now. For more
information read history.

What is wexpect?
Wexpect is a Python module for spawning child applications and controlling
them automatically. Wexpect can be used for automating interactive applications
such as ssh, ftp, passwd, telnet, etc. It can be used to a automate setup
scripts for duplicating software package installations on different servers. It
can be used for automated software testing. Wexpect is in the spirit of Don
Libes' Expect, but Wexpect is pure Python. Other Expect-like modules for Python
require TCL and Expect or require C extensions to be compiled. Wexpect does not
use C, Expect, or TCL extensions.
Original Pexpect should work on any platform that supports the standard Python pty module. While
Wexpect works on Windows platforms. The Wexpect interface focuses on ease of use so that simple
tasks are easy.

Thanks for any contributing!
To run test, enter into the folder of the wexpect's repo then:
python -m unittest
The deployment itself is automated and done by appveyor.
See after_test section in appveyor.yml for more details.
The wexpect uses pbr for managing releasing procedures.
The versioning is handled by the pbr. The "master-version" is the git tag. Pbr derives the package
version from the git tags.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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