whatsapp-chat-exporter 0.10.0

Creator: bradpython12

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whatsappchatexporter 0.10.0


A customizable Android and iPhone Whatsapp database parser that will give you the history of your Whatsapp conversations in HTML and JSON. Inspired by Telegram Chat Export Tool.
If you plan to uninstall WhatsApp or delete your WhatsApp account, please make a backup of your WhatsApp database. You may want to use this exporter again on the same database in the future as the exporter develops
Usage in README may be removed in the future. Check the usage in Wiki.
If you want to use the old release (< 0.5) of the exporter, please follow the old usage guide.
First, install the exporter by:
pip install whatsapp-chat-exporter
pip install whatsapp-chat-exporter[android_backup] :; # Optional, if you want it to support decrypting Android WhatsApp backup.

Then, create a working directory in somewhere you want
mkdir working_wts
cd working_wts

Working with Android
Unencrypted WhatsApp database
Extract the WhatsApp database with whatever means, one possible means is to use the WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor
After you obtain your WhatsApp database, copy the WhatsApp database and media folder to the working directory. The database is called msgstore.db. If you also want the name of your contacts, get the contact database, which is called wa.db. And copy the WhatsApp (Media) directory from your phone directly.
And now, you should have something like this in the working directory.

Simply invoke the following command from shell.
wtsexporter -a

Encrypted Android WhatsApp Backup
In order to support the decryption, install pycryptodome if it is not installed
pip install pycryptodome # Or
pip install whatsapp-chat-exporter["android_backup"] # install along with this software

Crypt15 is now the easiest way to decrypt a backup. If you have the 32 bytes hex key generated when you enable End-to-End encrypted backup, you can use it to decrypt the backup. If you do not have the 32 bytes hex key, you can still use the key file extracted just like extacting key file for Crypt12 and Crypt14 to decrypt the backup.
Crypt12 or Crypt14
You will need the decryption key file from your phone. If you have root access, you can find it as /data/data/com.whatsapp/files/key. Otherwise, if you used WhatsApp-Key-DB-Extractor before, it will appear in the WhatsApp backup directory as WhatsApp/Databases/.nomedia.
Place the decryption key file (key) and the encrypted WhatsApp Backup (msgstore.db.crypt14) in the working directory. If you also want the name of your contacts, get the contact database, which is called wa.db. And copy the WhatsApp (Media) directory from your phone directly.
And now, you should have something like this in the working directory.

Simply invoke the following command from shell.
wtsexporter -a -k key -b msgstore.db.crypt14

Crypt15 (End-to-End Encrypted Backup)
To support Crypt15 backup, install javaobj-py3 if it is not installed
pip install javaobj-py3 # Or
pip install whatsapp-chat-exporter["crypt15"] # install along with this software

Place the encrypted WhatsApp Backup (msgstore.db.crypt15) in the working directory. If you also want the name of your contacts, get the contact database, which is called wa.db. And copy the WhatsApp (Media) directory from your phone directly.
If you do not have the 32 bytes hex key (64 hexdigits), place the decryption key file (encrypted_backup.key) extracted from Android. If you gave the 32 bytes hex key, simply put the key in the shell.
Now, you should have something like this in the working directory (if you do not have 32 bytes hex key).

If you do not have 32 bytes hex key but have the key file available, simply invoke the following command from shell.
wtsexporter -a -k encrypted_backup.key -b msgstore.db.crypt15

If you have the 32 bytes hex key, simply put the hex key in the -k option and invoke the command from shell like this:
wtsexporter -a -k 432435053b5204b08e5c3823423399aa30ff061435ab89bc4e6713969cdaa5a8 -b msgstore.db.crypt15

Working with iOS/iPadOS (iPhone or iPad)
Do an iPhone/iPad Backup with iTunes first.

iPhone backup on Mac: https://support.apple.com/HT211229
iPhone backup on Windows: https://support.apple.com/HT212156
iPad backup: https://support.apple.com/guide/ipad/ipad9a74df05xx/ipados

Encrypted iOS/iPadOS Backup
If you are working on unencrypted iOS/iPadOS backup, skip this
If you want to work on an encrypted iOS/iPadOS Backup, you should install iphone_backup_decrypt from KnugiHK/iphone_backup_decrypt before you run the extract_iphone_media.py.
pip install git+https://github.com/KnugiHK/iphone_backup_decrypt

Simply invoke the following command from shell, remember to replace the username and device id correspondingly in the command.
wtsexporter -i -b "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup\[device id]"

wtsexporter -i -b ~/Library/Application\ Support/MobileSync/Backup/[device id]

After extracting, you will get these:
Private Message

Group Message

More options
Invoke the wtsexporter with --help option will show you all options available.
> wtsexporter --help
usage: wtsexporter [-h] [-a] [-i] [-e EXPORTED] [-w WA] [-m MEDIA] [-b BACKUP] [-o OUTPUT] [-j [JSON]] [-d DB]
[-k KEY] [-t TEMPLATE] [-s] [-c] [--offline OFFLINE] [--size [SIZE]] [--no-html] [--check-update]
[--assume-first-as-me] [--no-avatar] [--import] [--business] [--preserve-timestamp] [--wab WAB]
[--time-offset {-12 to 14}] [--date DATE] [--date-format FORMAT] [--include [phone number ...]]
[--exclude [phone number ...]] [--create-separated-media]

A customizable Android and iPhone WhatsApp database parser that will give you the history of your WhatsApp
conversations in HTML and JSON. Android Backup Crypt12, Crypt14 and Crypt15 supported.

-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --android Define the target as Android
-i, --ios, --iphone Define the target as iPhone/iPad
-e EXPORTED, --exported EXPORTED
Define the target as exported chat file and specify the path to the file
-w WA, --wa WA Path to contact database (default: wa.db/ContactsV2.sqlite)
-m MEDIA, --media MEDIA
Path to WhatsApp media folder (default: WhatsApp)
-b BACKUP, --backup BACKUP
Path to Android (must be used together with -k)/iPhone WhatsApp backup
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Output to specific directory (default: result)
-j [JSON], --json [JSON]
Save the result to a single JSON file (default if present: result.json)
-d DB, --db DB Path to database file (default: msgstore.db/7c7fba66680ef796b916b067077cc246adacf01d)
-k KEY, --key KEY Path to key file
-t TEMPLATE, --template TEMPLATE
Path to custom HTML template
-s, --showkey Show the HEX key used to decrypt the database
-c, --move-media Move the media directory to output directory if the flag is set, otherwise copy it
--offline OFFLINE Relative path to offline static files
--size [SIZE], --output-size [SIZE], --split [SIZE]
Maximum (rough) size of a single output file in bytes, 0 for auto
--no-html Do not output html files
--check-update Check for updates (require Internet access)
--assume-first-as-me Assume the first message in a chat as sent by me (must be used together with -e)
--no-avatar Do not render avatar in HTML output
--import Import JSON file and convert to HTML output
--business Use Whatsapp Business default files (iOS only)
--preserve-timestamp Preserve the modification timestamp of the extracted files (iOS only)
--wab WAB, --wa-backup WAB
Path to contact database in crypt15 format
--time-offset {-12 to 14}
Offset in hours (-12 to 14) for time displayed in the output
--date DATE The date filter in specific format (inclusive)
--date-format FORMAT The date format for the date filter
--include [phone number ...]
Include chats that match the supplied phone number
--exclude [phone number ...]
Exclude chats that match the supplied phone number
Create a copy of the media seperated per chat in <MEDIA>/separated/ directory
(Android only)

WhatsApp Chat Exporter: 0.10.0 Licensed with MIT

To do
See issues.
This is a MIT licensed project.
The Telegram Desktop's export is the reference for whatsapp.html in this repo.
bplist.py was released by Vladimir "Farcaller" Pouzanov under MIT license.
WhatsApp Chat Exporter is not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by, or in any way officially connected with the WhatsApp LLC, or any of its subsidiaries or its affiliates. The official WhatsApp LLC website can be found at https://www.whatsapp.com/.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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