
Creator: coderz1093

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whatsapp author

whatsapp_author is a package for authenticating users using whats app with easy approach .
Features #

easy to use
clear structure
contains error handler
protected from throwing errors

Getting started #

add whatsapp_author package to your project by using terminal

flutter pub add whatsapp_author
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create facebook business account and then provide access token , template and phone number for sending auth messages
create WhatsAppAuthor object

WhatsAppAuthor whatsAppAuthor = WhatsAppAuthor(accessToken: accessToken, fromPhoneNumberId: fromPhoneNumberId, templateName: templateName);
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then send the verification code using static method [sendCodeToWhatsAppAccount] method

final String toPhoneNumber = "+00000000";
final String verificationCode = "8468315";
final bool sent = await WhatsAppApiCaller.sendCodeToWhatsAppAccount(author:whatsAppAuthor, code:verificationCode, toPhoneNumber: toPhoneNumber);
print("verification code sent successfully");
} else {
copied to clipboard


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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