whereval 0.1.8

Creator: bradpython12

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whereval 0.1.8

Tool for parsing SQL like where expressions and evaluating against live data
python3 -m pip install whereval

This tool will scratch an itch I've had for some cli tools where I want to pass complex filter expressions to control output / processing.
For instance with my histstat fork, I would like to have better filtering of networking information to be output to sqlite. See: https://github.com/JavaScriptDude/histstat
Another usecase for this is a tool I've wanted to write where I can write a tail -f wrapper in python where I can define a filter in cli parameters to limit output to the console. Have not written this yet but its on my todo now that I've got this API.
API Example
(Ex1) Basic Concept:
from datetime import date
from whereval import Where, util as wutil

print("\n(Ex1) Basic Idea")

sw = wutil.StopWatch()

# Where query (terse example)
qry = "(f0>=2+f1=1+f2='s')|(f3~'foo%')"

# Field and type spec
spec = {'f0': int,'f1': bool,'f2': str,'f3': str, 'f4': dt_date}

# Instantiate Where
# - Parses query and uses data to form rules for data types and fields
wher = Where(query=qry, spec=spec)

print(f"Query:\n . raw:\t{qry}\n . compiled: {wher}\n\nTests:")

def _print(wher, data, tup):
(ok, result, issues) = tup
if not ok:
print(f"Eval failed for {wher}. Issues: {issues}")
print(f"\t{result}\tw/ data: {data}")

# Evaluate expression against real data
data = {'f0': 2, 'f1': True ,'f2': 's', 'f3': 'foobar'}
_print(wher, data, wher.evaluate(data))

# For different data
data['f3'] = 'bazbar'
_print(wher, data, wher.evaluate(data))

# For different data
data['f0'] = 1
_print(wher, data, wher.evaluate(data))

print(f"Completed. Elapsed: {sw.elapsed(3)}s")

Output of print:
(Ex1) Basic Idea
. raw: (f0>=2+f1=1+f2='s')|(f3~'foo%')
. compiled: ( ( f0 >= 2 AND f1 = 1 AND f2 = 's' ) OR ( f3 like 'foo%' ) )

True w/ data: {'f0': 2, 'f1': True, 'f2': 's', 'f3': 'foobar'}
True w/ data: {'f0': 2, 'f1': True, 'f2': 's', 'f3': 'bazbar'}
False w/ data: {'f0': 1, 'f1': True, 'f2': 's', 'f3': 'bazbar'}
Completed. Elapsed: 0.003s

Query Syntax:
# General:
# Query must begin with '(' and end with ')'
# NOT, IN, BETWEEN must be followed by parenthesis '('
# Boolean Operators:
# Equality Operators:
# =, !=, <, <=, >, >=, like
# Special:
# ! --> NOT
# + --> AND
# | --> OR
# <> --> !=
# ~ --> like


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