
Creator: coderz1093

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windows apps infos

Windows Apps Info #
This package provides a Flutter library for working with Windows device apps. It includes functionality for retrieving information about installed apps, as well as specific information about individual apps.
⚠️ for Windows users #
This package provides functionality specifically for working with Windows device apps and is only intended to be used on Windows. It may not work as expected on other operating systems.
Features #

Get the version number of a specific app
Get various pieces of information about a specific app, including its name, company name, file version, and product name and version
Get information about all installed apps

Getting started #
To use this package, add it to your dependencies in your pubspec.yaml file:
windows_apps_infos: ^0.0.2
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Then import it in your Dart code:
import 'package:windows_apps_infos/windows_apps_infos.dart';
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Usage #
Get App Version
String version = await DeviceApps.getAppVersion(path: 'path/to/app.exe');
print('App version: $version');
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Get App Information
final info = await DeviceApps.getAppAllInfo(path: 'path/to/app.exe');
print('App name: ${}');
print('Company name: ${info.companyName}');
print('File version: ${info.fileVersion}');
print('Product name: ${info.productName}');
print('Product version: ${info.productVersion}');
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Get Information about All Installed Apps
List<AppInfo> appList = await DeviceApps.getAllInstalledAppsInfo();
for (AppInfo info in appList) {
print('App name: ${}');
print('Company name: ${info.companyName}');
print('File version: ${info.fileVersion}');
print('Product name: ${info.productName}');
print('Product version: ${info.productVersion}');
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Additional information #
For more information, refer to the documentation in the windows_apps_infos.dart file. Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome on the GitHub repository.
Contact #
You can reach me at Ahmet Aydın.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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