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wirdul latif

Wirdul latif Flutter Package #
A Flutter package that provides access to the wirdul latif(morning and evening supplication by imam haddad) in Arabic. This package allows you to retrieve the , Arabic wirds, and repetition count of each .
Installation #
To use this package, add it to your pubspec.yaml:
widul_latif: ^0.0.2

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Usage/Examples #
Import the wirdul_latif library and use the provided functions to access the Names of Allah.
import 'package:wirdul_latif/wirdul_latif.dart';

// Get the Morning Wird in Arabic (index between 1 - 44)
String morningWirdOne = getWirdArabic(index : 1);

// Get the Evening Wird in Arabic (index between 1 - 44)
String eveningWirdOne = getWirdArabic(index : 1,evening : true);

// Get the repitition count of every wird
String repCount = getWirdRepititionCount(index : 1);

// Get the length of wird list
int wirdListLength = getWirdListLength();

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License #
This package is released under the MIT LICENSE. Feel free to use and modify it in your projects.
If you have any questions, issues, or suggestions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.
Author #
This package is maintained by @aslahmogral.
Thank you for using the Wirdul Latif Flutter Package!


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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