
Creator: coderz1093

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with value

This is a simple state management library used in packages. I don't want to rely on Provider as a dependency.
The selector is straight out of Provider.
There is no support for this package; please use Provider if you want InheritedWidget as state management.
WithValue #

WithValue is an InheritedWidget that allows you to provide a value to a subtree of widgets and retrieve that value using WithValue.of<T>(context).
Make sure to override the == and hashCode methods for non-primitive types to ensure proper functionality.
Example usage:

value: 42,
child: MyWidget(),

int value = WithValue.of<int>(context);
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Usage #

WithValueUpdate is an InheritedNotifier that allows you to provide and update a value to a subtree of widgets and retrieve that value using WithValueUpdate.of<T>(context).
Make sure to override the == and hashCode methods for non-primitive types to ensure proper functionality.
Example usage:

notifier: myNotifier,
child: MyWidget(),

MyNotifier notifier = WithValueUpdate.of<MyNotifier>(context);

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