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workspaceone sdk flutter

ws1-sdk-flutter #
Use this document to install the VMware Workspace One SDK Plugin for Flutter. The plugin helps enterprise app developers add enterprise-grade security, conditional access, and compliance capabilities to mobile applications.
Package installation #
Add plugin as dependency to the application pubspec.yaml
sdk: flutter


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$ dart pub get
Supported Components #
This plugin works with the listed component versions.

Workspace ONE UEM Console 2206+ (may need to be higher depending on specific features)
Android 5.0+ (for Android SDK component) / API level 21 OR above / Android Studio with the Gradle Android Build System (Gradle) 3.3.0 or later / Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Android version 23.11 or later
iOS and iPadOS 15 or later (for iOS SDK component) / Xcode 14.0.1 or later

Initial Setup #

Additional Setup #
iOS #

Add the AWSDK through Swift Package Manager.
Click here for integrating the AWSDK framework through Swift Package Manager

Add following code in AppDelegate

-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options
//Add following code for posting Notification for URL
NSNotification *info = [[NSNotification alloc]initWithName:@"UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey" object:url userInfo:options];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotification:info];

return YES;
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Add Post Install script in Podfile.

post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
# Add this line to get the AWSDK Swift Package from SPM
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Android #

Modify AndroidManifest.xml for Main Launcher

android:name="com.airwatch.login.ui.activity.SDKSplashActivity" android:label="@string/app_name">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
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Update your Main Activity

import com.vmware.workspaceone_sdk_flutter.WorkspaceOneSdkActivity
class MainActivity: WorkspaceOneSdkActivity() {
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Add WS1EventImpl

import android.content.Context
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import com.airwatch.sdk.profile.AnchorAppStatus
import com.airwatch.sdk.profile.ApplicationProfile
import com.airwatch.sdk.shareddevice.ClearReasonCode
import com.airwatch.event.WS1AnchorEvents
import org.koin.core.component.KoinComponent

class WS1EventImpl : WS1AnchorEvents,KoinComponent {
override fun onApplicationConfigurationChange(bundle: Bundle?, context: Context) {}
override fun onApplicationProfileReceived(context: Context, s: String, applicationProfile: ApplicationProfile) {
Log.d("SDK Init", "onApplicationProfileReceived")

override fun onClearAppDataCommandReceived(context: Context, clearReasonCode: ClearReasonCode) {
Log.d("SDK Init", "onClearAppDataCommandReceived")

override fun onAnchorAppStatusReceived(context: Context, anchorAppStatus: AnchorAppStatus) {}
override fun onAnchorAppUpgrade(context: Context, b: Boolean) {}

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Update your Android Application subclass as follows

Declare that the class implements the WorkspaceOneSDKApplication interface.
Move the code from the body of your onCreate method, if any, to an override of the AWSDKApplication onPostCreate method.
Override the AWSDKApplication getMainActivityIntent() method to return an Intent for the application’s main Activity.
Override the following Android Application methods:


import com.vmware.workspaceone_sdk_flutter.WorkspaceOneSdkApplication
class MainApplication : WorkspaceOneSdkApplication() {

// Application-specific overrides : Comment onCreate() out and move the code to onPostCreate()

// @Override
// public void onCreate() {
// super.onCreate();
// }

// Application-specific overrides : Copy all the code from onCreate() to onPostCreate()
override fun onPostCreate() {

override fun attachBaseContext(base: Context?) {

override fun getMainActivityIntent(): Intent {
return Intent(this,

override fun getEventHandler(): WS1AnchorEvents {
return WS1EventImpl()
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Feature Description #
Initialization of the SDK adds the listed features to your application, depending on the configurations set in the SDK profile in the Workspace One UEM Console.

Application level passcode
Application level tunneling of network traffic
Integrated authentication / single sign on
Data loss prevention

Disable Screenshot (Android only)
Restrict open-in for documents, web links, and email to approved applications only Restrict copy/paste (SDK provides flag value)
Restrict access to app when device is offline
Branding of VMware AirWatch splash screens when SDK application is launched on device

Feature Implementation #
Please follow document at implementation.
Release Notes #

First release of Workspace One SDK for Flutter support.
Latest versions of Workspace One SDKs (24.1.0 for iOS and 24.01 for Android).

Workspace One SDK Documentation #
For further details about the Workspace One SDK, navigate to and select the required platform, SDK version and Workspace ONE UEM console version.
Questions and Feedback #
For any questions/feedback or to report an issue, please reach out to VMware support teams at


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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