
Creator: coderz1093

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xandr #

This is the flutter integration for xandr.
Please Note: This is a work in progress and the api is likely to change.
Contributing to the project #
Please the CONTRIBUTING.md for details.
example usage: #
The flutter api is work in progress and will likely change.
NOTE: up to this point there is only an android implementation of basic banner ads
However there are three main concepts:

there is a central XandrController() which:

when called with XandrController().init(memberId) will initialize the sdk
takes care of loading ads
propagates ad events to the flutter side

there is a XandrBuilder() widget which:

simplifies handling of the global XandrController()
makes sure that all child-ads are only requested once the sdk is successfully initialized

there is an AdBanner() widget which:

can request banners by size options, placementId and/or inventoryCode
customKeywords are also supported
behind the scenes the widget size is adjusted accordingly, and the ad is reloaded after a given amount of time

there is an InterstitialAd() which:

can request an interstitial by placementId and/or inventoryCode
customKeywords are also supported
after the ad is loaded, it can be shown by calling show()

sample code: #
For a running examples please check the sample app at example/lib/main.dart - the sample app can be run using melos run run:example -- -d sdk (android) or melos run run:example -- -d IPhone (iOS).
In order to initialize the xandr sdk, and show a banner ad run:
_controller = XandrController();
controller: _controller,
memberId: 9517,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
debugPrint('Xandr SDK initialized, success=${snapshot.hasData}');
return AdBanner(
controller: _controller,
inventoryCode: 'bunte_webdesktop_home_homepage_hor_1',
adSizes: const [AdSize(728, 90),],
customKeywords: useDemoAds,
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return const Text('Error initializing Xandr SDK');
} else {
return const Text('Initializing Xandr SDK...');
copied to clipboard

Also, results of the AdResponse are propagated to the flutter side:
I/flutter (16949): xandr.onAdLoaded: 0, size=728x90, creativeId=158504583, adType=BANNER, tagId=20835075, auctionId=6349340599071400911, cpm=0.10855, memberId=9517
copied to clipboard
Loading an interstitial ad is similar, however its a two step process:

loading the ad

_interstitialAd = InterstitialAd(
controller: _controller,
inventoryCode: 'bunte_webphone_news_gallery_oop_0',
copied to clipboard

showing the ad with optional auto-hide after a given amount of time

interstitialAd: _interstitialAd,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
debugPrint('Xandr interstitial ad loaded, '
return Column(
mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.center,
children: [
onPressed: () async {
debugPrint('show interstitial ad...');
final result =
await _interstitialAd.show(autoDismissDelay: 10);
'interstitial ad has been closed result=$result',
child: const Text('Show Interstitial Ad'),
} else if (snapshot.hasError) {
return const Text('Error loading Xandr interstitial ad');
} else {
return const Text('Loading Xandr interstitial ad...');
copied to clipboard

To run the interstitial example app, run melos run run:example:interstitial -- -d sdk (android only atm).
Banner Ads can also be loaded using a multi ad request: ads are just initialized, and loaded with the single request to the adserver:

create a multi ad controller and use a future builder to get the multi ad request initialized - this requires an already initialized xandr controller as well

_multiAdRequestController = MultiAdRequestController();
future: _multiAdRequestController.init(),
builder: (_, multiAdRequestSnapshot) {
if (multiAdRequestSnapshot.hasData) {
'MultiAdRequestController initialized, '

return SingleChildScrollView(
controller: _scrollController,
child: Column(
children: [
onPressed: () {
child: const Text('load ads'),
controller: _controller,
//placementID: '17058950',
adSizes: const [
AdSize(728, 90),
], //[AdSize(300, 250)],
customKeywords: useDemoAds,
resizeAdToFitContainer: true,
multiAdRequestController: _multiAdRequestController,
controller: _controller,
//placementID: '17058950',
adSizes: const [
AdSize(728, 90),
], //[AdSize(300, 250)],
customKeywords: useDemoAds,
resizeAdToFitContainer: true,
multiAdRequestController: _multiAdRequestController,
} else if (multiAdRequestSnapshot.hasError) {
'Error initializing MultiAdRequestController: '
return const Text('Error initializing multi ad request');
} else {
debugPrint('Initializing MultiAdRequestController...');
return const Text('Initializing multi ad request...');
copied to clipboard
clicking on the load ads button will load the ads in a single request.

To run the multi ad request example app, run melos run run:example:multiadrequest -- -d sdk (android only atm).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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