
Creator: coderz1093

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Language: English | 中文简体 #
Packages: xanno
xanno #
Use annotations to simplify development @GApi @GAssets @GColor @GEntity @GFormatter @GHttp @GIconFont @GProject @GRoute @GSize
Getting Started #
1:auto create project, using annotation @GProject(),
import 'package:xanno/xanno.dart';

void main() {}
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source_gen: ^1.2.7
build_runner: ^2.3.3
intl_utils: ^2.8.2
xanno: ^0.0.9+8

run: flutter pub get && flutter packages pub run build_runner clean && flutter packages pub run build_runner build && flutter pub get

command ==》make #
2:Network data entity object, using annotation @GEntity(json: "", auto: true),
Generate the JSON to DART conversion and generate the API/Entity_Factory.entity. dart for internal use in network requests
@GEntity Example use of annotations #
@GEntity(json: '''
"name": "name1",
"age": 30,
"wife": {
"name": "name2",
"age": 28,
"beautiful": true
"childList": [
"name": "child1",
"age": 1,
"sex": "男"
"name": "child2",
"age": 2,
"sex": "女"
''', auto: true)
class JsonEntity {}
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3:For pages that need to jump, page widgets annotate @groute ('/other', 'other home '),
Generate the route/main.route.dart method
@GRoute Example use of annotations #
@GRoute(url: '/', title: 'main')
class MainPage extends StatefulWidget {
final String title;

MainPage({Key key, this.title}) : super(key: key);

_MainPageState createState() => _MainPageState();

class _MainPageState extends State<MainPage> {

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Container();
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4:API/API_INTERface. dart APIInterface defines methods for network requests,
The API/Api_Factory.Interface. dart ApiFactory class is automatically generated
@apiInterface/@GET/@POST Example use of annotations #
@Interface(host: 'https://api.muxiaoguo.cn/api/')
abstract class ApiInterface {
@GET(url: "/tags")
@Extra({'extraKey': 1, 'extraKey2': '2'})
Future<List<dynamic>> getTags(@CancelRequest() CancelToken cancelReq);

@GET(url: "/tags")
Stream<List<String>> getTagsAsStream();

@GET(url: "/tasks")
@Extra({'isLoading': true})
Future<List<dynamic>> getTasks();

@GET(url: "/tasks/{id}")
Future<dynamic> getTask(@Path("id") String id);

@PATCH(url: "/tasks/{id}")
Future<dynamic> updateTaskPart(
@Path() String id, @Body() Map<String, dynamic> map);

@PUT(url: "/tasks/{id}")
Future<dynamic> updateTask(@Path() String id, @Body() dynamic task);

@DELETE(url: "/tasks/{id}")
Future<void> deleteTask(@Path() String id);

@POST(url: "/tasks")
Future<dynamic> createTask(@Body() dynamic task);

@POST(url: "/tasks")
Future<List<dynamic>> createTasks(@Body() List<dynamic> tasks);

@POST(url: "/tasks")
Future<List<String>> createTaskNames(@Body() List<String> tasks);

@POST(host: "http://httpbin.org/post")
Future<void> createNewTaskFromFile(@Part() File file);

@Headers({"accept": "image/jpeg"})
@GET(host: "http://httpbin.org/image/jpeg")
Future<List<int>> getFile();

@POST(host: "http://httpbin.org/post")
Future<String> postUrlEncodedFormData(
@Field() String hello, {
@Field() String? gg,

@HEAD(url: '/')
Future<String> headRequest();

@HEAD(url: '/')
Future headRquest2();

@HEAD(url: '/')
Future<HttpResponse> headRquest3();

@GET(url: "/task/group")
Future<List<dynamic>> grouppedTaskByDate();

@GET(url: "/task")
Future<HttpResponse<List<dynamic>>> getTasksWithReponse();

@DELETE(url: "/tasks/{id}")
Future<HttpResponse<void>> deleteTaskWithResponse(@Path() String id);

@POST(url: "/post")
Future<String> postFormData(@Part() dynamic task, {@Part() File? file});

@POST(url: "/post")
Future<String> postFormData2(
@Part() List<Map<String, dynamic>> task,
@Part() List<String> tags,
@Part(contentType: 'application/json') File file);

@POST(url: "/post")
Future<String> postFormData3(
{@Part(value: "customfiles", contentType: 'application/json')
List<File>? files,
File? file});

@POST(url: "/post")
Future<String> postFormData6(
{@Part(value: "customfiles") List<List<int>>? files,
@Part() List<int>? file});

@POST(url: "/post")
Future<String> postFormData4(@Part() List<dynamic> tasks, @Part() File file);

@POST(url: "/post")
Future<String> postFormData5(
@Part() List<dynamic> tasks,
@Part() Map<String, dynamic> map,
@Part() int a, {
@Part() bool? b,
@Part() double? c,
@Part() String? d,

@GET(url: '/demo')
Future<String> queries(@Queries() Map<String, dynamic> queries);

@GET(url: '/enums')
Future<String> queryByEnum(@Query('tasks') dynamic query);

@GET(url: "/get")
Future<String> namedExample(@Query("apikey") String apiKey,
@Query("scope") String scope, @Query("type") String type,
{@Query("from") int? from});

@POST(url: "/postfile")
"Content-Type": "application/octet-stream",
"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key": "abc"
Future<String> postFile({
@Body() File? file,
@SendProgress() Function(int, int)? sendProgress,
@ReceiveProgress() Function(int, int)? receiveProgress,

@GET(url: "")
Future<String> testCustomOptions(@DioOptions() Options options);

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5: Automatic registration of @GAssets ('assets') resources, no need to manually add resources to YAML (currently only supports assets:), automatic mapping to common/assets_constant.assets.dart #
6: Automatic formatting and detection of code over 300 lines @GFormatter (maxLine: 300), lib file plus all Dart source code formatting and detection #
7: Auto register @GIconfont (url: '// ') to generate widget/icon_font.iconfont #
8: Automated generation of @GApi () lib/ API network related resources #
9: Auto Generate @GColor() Auto Collect all places using Color Uniform Management common/color_constant.color.dart #
10: AutoGenerate @GSize () AutoCollect all places that use Size uniformly manage common/size_constant.size.dart #
11: Automatically generate @GJenkinsfile () automatically generate Jenkinsfile file continuous integration #
Annotations use examples #
@GAssets(path: 'assets')
@GIconfont(url: '//at.alicdn.com/t/font_xxxx_g48kd9v3h54.js')
class App extends StatefulWidget {
App({Key key}) : super(key: key);

_AppState createState() => _AppState();

class _AppState extends State<App> {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
routes: routes(context),
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related reference libraries and projects #

observable_builder (lightweight Flutter state management library with support for local refreshes and state caching.)


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