
Creator: coderz1093

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xapptor auth

Xapptor Auth #

Authentication Module to develop fast and easy Login, Register, Restore Password, and Edit Account Screens. Using Firebase Auth and Firestore. #
Let's get started #
1 - Depend on it #
Add it to your package's pubspec.yaml file
xapptor_auth: ^0.0.2
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2 - Install it #
Install packages from the command line
flutter pub get
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3 - Learn it like a charm #
Login Example #
text_list: [
"Remember me",
"Log In",
"Recover password",
tc_and_pp_text: RichText(text: TextSpan()),
gender_values: [],
country_values: [],
text_color: Colors.blue,
first_button_color: Colors.white,
second_button_color: Colors.white,
third_button_color: Colors.white,
logo_image_path: "your_image_path",
has_language_picker: false,
topbar_color: Colors.blue,
custom_background: null,
user_info_form_type: UserInfoFormType.login,
outline_border: true,
first_button_action: null,
second_button_action: open_forgot_password,
third_button_action: open_register,
has_back_button: true,
text_field_background_color: null,
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Register Example #
text_list: [
"Confirm Email",
"Confirm password",
"First name",
"Last name",
tc_and_pp_text: RichText(
text: TextSpan(
children: [
text: 'I accept the ',
style: TextStyle(
color: color_abeinstitute_text,
text: 'privacy policies.',
style: TextStyle(
color: color_abeinstitute_text,
fontWeight: FontWeight.bold,
recognizer: TapGestureRecognizer()
..onTap = () {
gender_values: gender_values_english = [
'Rather not say',
country_values: [
'United States',
text_color: Colors.blue,
first_button_color: Colors.white,
second_button_color: Colors.white,
third_button_color: Colors.white,
logo_image_path: "your_image_path",
has_language_picker: false,
topbar_color: Colors.blue,
custom_background: null,
user_info_form_type: UserInfoFormType.register,
outline_border: true,
first_button_action: null,
second_button_action: null,
third_button_action: null,
has_back_button: true,
text_field_background_color: null,
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Restore Password Example #
text_list: [
"Enter your email",
"Restore your password",
tc_and_pp_text: RichText(text: TextSpan()),
gender_values: [],
country_values: [],
text_color: Colors.blue,
first_button_color: Colors.white,
second_button_color: Colors.white,
third_button_color: Colors.white,
logo_image_path: "your_image_path",
has_language_picker: false,
topbar_color: Colors.blue,
custom_background: null,
user_info_form_type: UserInfoFormType.forgot_password,
outline_border: true,
first_button_action: null,
second_button_action: null,
third_button_action: null,
has_back_button: true,
text_field_background_color: null,
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Edit Account Example #
text_list: [
"Confirm Email",
"Confirm password",
"First name",
"Last name",
tc_and_pp_text: RichText(text: TextSpan()),
gender_values: gender_values_english = [
'Rather not say',
country_values: [
'United States',
text_color: Colors.blue,
first_button_color: Colors.white,
second_button_color: Colors.white,
third_button_color: Colors.white,
logo_image_path: "your_image_path",
has_language_picker: false,
topbar_color: Colors.blue,
custom_background: null,
user_info_form_type: UserInfoFormType.edit_account,
outline_border: true,
first_button_action: null,
second_button_action: null,
third_button_action: null,
has_back_button: true,
text_field_background_color: null,
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4 - Check Abeinstitute Repo for more examples #
Abeinstitute Repo
5 - Live Examples #
Login #
Abeinstitute Login
Lum Login
Register #
Abeinstitute Register
Lum Register
Restore Password #
Abeinstitute Restore Password
Lum Restore Password


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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