
Creator: coderz1093

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xcream CLI #
Description #
The xcream CLI is a command-line tool built in Dart that allows you to create a basic structure to develop games for the xcream library.
Installation #
To install the xcream CLI, follow these steps:

Make sure you have Dart SDK installed on your machine and Flutter.
Once you have the dependencies installed use the next command: dart pub global activate xcream to install the CLI tool
If you have a warning message or cannot execute the CLI tool use the next command export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin" before using the tool
Or you can overwrite the ~/.bashrc file with a file editor and add the previous command.
After editing the ~/.bashrc file use source ~/.bashrc to apply the changes and you will be able to use the CLI tool globally.

Usage #
The xcream CLI provides the following commands:

xcream create -t empty -n <project_name>: Generates an empty project structure.
xcream create -t template -n <project_name>: Generates a project structure based on a specific template.

To scaffold a new project, open your terminal and navigate to the desired directory. Then, run one of the above commands to generate the project structure.


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