
Creator: coderz1093

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xendit flutter

Xendit Flutter is a Flutter package designed to simplify the integration of Xendit's payment gateway into your Flutter applications.
With Xendit Flutter, developers can easily create payment tokens for various payment methods, including card payments, and streamline the payment process in their Flutter apps.
Offers seamless integration with native Java (for Android) and SwiftUI (for iOS) implementations,enabling developers to leverage the power of Xendit's payment gateway within their existing native mobile applications.
Setup #
Several steps are required for this plugin to function on Android. I have attempted to ensure that there are no patches on the project side, but I have yet to find a solution for Android.


Make sure set the compileSdkVersion in your "android/app/build.gradle" file to 34 and minSdkVersion set to 21:

android {
compileSdkVersion 34
defaultConfig {
minSdkVersion 21

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Add this code to your "AndroidManifest.xml":

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iOS only supports version 11 and above, as this is the default for the Native SDK Swift.

Usage #
There are two types of card token authentication: single-use token -> createSingleToken and multiple-use token -> createMultipleUseToken. You can also authenticate tokens that have not been verified, use createAuthentication. Additionally, various validators are available, such as card number validator, CVN validator, etc. Example:
final XCard card = XCard(
creditCardNumber: "4000000000001091",
creditCardCVN: "123",
expirationMonth: "12",
expirationYear: "2024",

final Xendit xendit = Xendit('your-publish-key');
TokenResult result = await xendit.createSingleUseToken(card, amount: 50000, currency: "IDR");

if (result.isSuccess) {
} else {
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Example use validator:
final bool numberValidator = CardValidator.isCardNumberValid("4000000000001091");

final bool expiryValidator = CardValidator.isExpiryValid("12", "2024");

final bool cvnValidator = CardValidator.isCvnValid("123");
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Issues #
Have any question, bugs, issues, or feature request you can go to our GitHub.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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