
Creator: coderz1093

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xirr flutter

A Flutter library to calculate Internal Rate Of Return(XIRR) for financial investments.
Features #
Calculates Internal Rate Of Return(XIRR) to know return on investment. It uses Newton-Raphson method
for calculating Internal Rate Of Return
Getting started #
Library will throw exceptions if inputs are not in line with expectations

If all transactions are positive/negative only
If all transactions are for same day
If no transactions are passed

Please check test cases to know more details
Usage #
Deposit/Investment should be provided with negative amount and withdrawals should be provided with
positive amount.

List<Transaction> transactions = [];

transactions.add(Transaction.withStringDate(-1000, "2010-01-01"));
transactions.add(Transaction.withStringDate(1100, "2011-01-01"));

final double? result =
expect(result, 0.10);

copied to clipboard
Additional information #
This library was created based on Java Xirr library available
at https://github.com/RayDeCampo/java-xirr
Hence terms of the library and license follows original creator


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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