xotes 0.1.0

Creator: bradpython12

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xotes 0.1.0

Xotes - personal note management system
Xotes is a personal note management system. Features include:

written in python3, should work on most systems
library, command line, and ncurses interfaces
git storage backend, for simple sharing between devices
xapian full text index and search of all notes (optional)
GitJournal compatibility


urwid for ncurses interface (optional)
Xapian python3 bindings (optional)

All dependencies are commonly available through your favorite python
package manager.
Xotes is managed on GitLab.
Xotes was written by Jameson Graef Rollins.
synchronizing between devices via git
Xotes stores notes in a git repo, and can synchronize the store with
any git remotes configured in the store's git repo. To configure,
simply set up git
in the store's git repo as you would in any normal git repo, then use
the Store.sync() command or the command line --sync option to
synchronize. See Store.ROOT or the command line --help for the
file system location of your store.
fast sync with SSH
If you use SSH remotes, synchronization can be sped up considerably by
using SSH connection
By specifying a ControlMaster for your ssh connection, ssh can hold
open a connection to the remote, speeding up subsequent operations
For example, for remote gitjournal@example.com the following
.ssh/config stanza should setup a multiplexing socket just for your
gitjournal remote:
Match originalhost example.com, user gitjournal
ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist yes

faster editing with emacs
If you use emacs to edit notes you can use the emacs
server to speed up
editing considerably.
I use a special emacs session just for xotes editing. In a wrapper
script I have the emacs daemon launch if it's not running:
if ! emacsclient --socket-name=xotes -e '()' >/dev/null ; then
emacs --daemon=xotes

And then I set the EDITOR environment variable to use emacsclient:
export EDITOR="emacsclient --socket-name=xotes -t"

recommended gitjournal config
Xotes works very well with GitJournal.
While xotes should work with GitJournal out of the box, not all of the
potential GitJournal configuration options have been fully tested. In
particular, xotes currently does expect the YAML header to be present.
The following GitJournal settings may provide the best performance:

in "Note Metadata Settings":

"Enable YAML Header"
"Modified Field" should be "modified"
"Created Field" should be "created"

While xotes will support any note file name, "Uuid V4" file names
are the most sensible, imho.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.


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