xssbase 4.0.3

Creator: bradpython12

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xssbase 4.0.3

XSSbase is a professional tool designed to help web developers scan for Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities. It automates the process of testing web applications for XSS vulnerabilities by using a set of predefined payloads or custom payloads provided by the user.

Full Documentation: Link
Basic XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) Vulnerable HTML Code: Link


Automated XSS Testing: Scans web applications for XSS vulnerabilities using a list of predefined or user-specified payloads.
Platform Support: Currently supports Windows.
Custom Payloads: Allows users to provide their own payloads for testing.
Error Handling: Handles stale element reference errors gracefully and retries automatically.
Comprehensive Reports: Provides detailed information about detected XSS vulnerabilities.
Payload List URL: Displays a URL to a list of useful XSS payloads.


Time-Saving: Automates the tedious process of testing for XSS vulnerabilities, saving developers valuable time.
Improved Security: Helps in identifying and fixing XSS vulnerabilities, enhancing the overall security of web applications.
Customizable: Users can use their own payloads for testing, making it highly customizable for specific needs.

Payload Examples
Here are a few sample XSS payloads that XSSbase can use:

<img src=x onerror=alert('XSS')>
<svg onload=alert('XSS')>
<body onload=alert('XSS')>

For a comprehensive collection of XSS payloads, refer to the payloadbox XSS payload list.
Payload List
A comprehensive list of useful XSS payloads is available at: Click Here
Currently, XSSbase is only compatible with Windows. To install, use the following command:
pip install xssbase

Basic Usage
To test a URL for XSS vulnerabilities using the predefined payloads:
xssbase --url <URL>

Using Custom Payloads
To test a URL for XSS vulnerabilities using custom payloads from a file:
xssbase --url <URL> --payload <payload-file.txt>

To test http://example.com for XSS vulnerabilities using predefined payloads:
xssbase --url http://example.com

To test http://example.com for XSS vulnerabilities using payloads from custom-payloads.txt:
xssbase --url http://example.com --payload custom-payloads.txt

--url: The URL to test for XSS vulnerabilities (required).
--payload: The file containing custom XSS payloads (optional).
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.
This tool is intended for educational purposes and for use by web developers to secure their own applications. Unauthorized or malicious use is strictly prohibited.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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